How to Setup a Proxy Server at Home

How to Setup a Proxy Server at Home

A proxy server is an intermediate server that provides your machine with an alternate IP (Internet Protocol) address from yours. When you send a request from your device, it goes to the proxy server first. Hereafter, the server sends out a request on your behalf using its IP address and collects data from the source. It then relays this information to your machine through your IP address. In doing so, the proxy server can increase your machine’s online privacy. An IP address refers to an identification number for any electronic device connected to a network.

Setting Up a Proxy Server on Windows

Learning how to set up a proxy server on your local network is relatively easy. Below are simple and straightforward steps to follow.

The Automatic Way

This process applies mostly to machines using Windows 10. Start by launching the Settings screen and head down to click on the Network and Internet option. From there, scroll to Proxy and click on the option Use setup script. Once you have enabled this option, fill in the script address right below. You can obtain the script address from your proxy provider. Once entered, click on Save, and the settings should take effect immediately.

The Manual Way

This option is suitable for devices with Windows 8 or lower. Once again, start by launching the Settings screen. Scroll down and click on the Network and Internet option. Proceed to Proxy and click on Manual proxy setup. In the field indicated Address, fill in the proxy server’s IP address and the port number given by the proxy owner, in that order. Click on Save, and you’re all done!

Advantages of Using a Proxy Server

So why should you care about using a proxy server when surfing? Below are four solid reasons why:

  • Total Anonymity

By hiding your actual IP address using a proxy server, you can access sites previously inaccessible to you. Such cases commonly occur in companies where employers have a local work network without access to specific entertainment sites during work hours. A proxy server allows you to access these blocked websites and attain online anonymity while accessing them. This comes in handy when you want to visit a new casino online at without being visible to the administrator and leaving any traces.

  • Blocks annoying ads

Fraudulent ads have become a common occurrence when using certain websites. You can tune a proxy server to verify the sources of these advertisements. If the source is malicious or unauthorized, the proxy server can stop any more ads coming from that particular website. Doing so curtails the insistent and annoying pop-up ads that seem impossible to avoid while maintaining your anonymity online.

See Also

  • Gives administrator control over a local network

When creating a local network using a proxy server, the administrator can dictate the accessible and blocked sites. However, this can only work if all users have enabled proxy. Using an ISP proxy, administrators can configure the machines given to particular employees. They can’t use their work machine for other uses. They can be used for work-related operations only. The administrator can also access and monitor all user’s web requests and timesheets while using the proxy server. These features come in handy for strict parents looking to supervise their children’s online activities.

  • Improved bandwidth and speeds

Proxy servers can store data from the websites frequently visited by users within a local network. This feature enables the proxy server to keep the most recent copy of the website. Upon request, it transfers the information to the user instead of going back to the actual website to request similar information. The surfing speed then drastically increases and improves the surfer’s experience as information is stored locally.


Having access to some of the blocked websites can quickly become necessary at any given time in the modern world. This way, you can have accurate information on protecting your device while accessing these sites and still maintaining your privacy.

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