Amazing Apps To Fight Your Internet-Induced Attention Deficit


If you can’t stand a long separation from your phone, and a mountain of tasks is constantly waiting for your attention, then this is a problem! And we know the solution: you need to limit the time you use your smartphone. For this case, we have prepared a list of applications that will help you in this.

Obviously, the pile of academic assignments is sometimes simply too big for you to handle on your own. In such cases, procrastination on the internet shows itself even more. When you’re feeling overwhelmed with all your upcoming deadlines, be sure to check out such platforms as paper writing service MasterPapers where you can easily delegate your assignments.


This is a free and effective application with gamification elements. This application will help you form new habits and take a break from technology!

If you need to focus on something, turn on a special timer. You need to choose a period of time and a testicle, from which the animal will then hatch. You can also view reports and work results to track your achievements.

Eggzy will be useful for those who:

  • wants to reduce time on social networks;
  • do things without being distracted by the phone;
  • focus on learning;
  • increase your productivity.

The application is available for download in the App Store.


A time management application similar to Eggzy. Only instead of an egg you have a fruit tree. You concentrate on your task – you grow fruit. But there is one “but”: you can not leave the application. If you do this, the task will be interrupted and you will not receive a reward. Icons are issued to motivate you. You can also view your statistics.

Plantie is a free application that can be downloaded from the App Store. Google Play – Focus Plant has a very similar application.

Flat Tomato

This application will help you to distribute your affairs wisely. Good for competent time management. The design is quite concise and intuitive. In addition, there are tips to help you navigate.

You can create your own tasks. The application is ready: work, study, and reading. All you have to do is set a timer. It is impossible to pause because the purpose of the application is to teach you to manage your time. By the way, you can change the look of your timer: there are cool themes.

You can download it for free in the App Store. Android users have more similar applications. They all work on the “tomato method”. This is a very popular technique, and it works like this: you break your work into 25-minute periods with short breaks. Quite simple, but effective!

Be Focused

The essence is the same: you set yourself a task and turn on the timer. But in addition to the basic functions, the application has a few more interesting features. You can set work intervals, duration of short and long breaks.

You can track your goals and achievements. Statistics are presented in the form of a pie – so you will see how much time you spend on different tasks. You can set reminders or turn on the widget.

The application is free, it also has a paid pro version. You can download it from the App Store. For Android, there is a similar program – Focus To-Do. Such concentration apps are perfect for when you need to complete big tasks in one sitting. Commonly, writers at MasterPapers use such apps to quickly finish their assigned student tasks.


This is one of the best apps to improve your performance! It will help you focus on what you need: study and work, or family and friends.

See Also

When you need concentration, plant a tree. If distracted, it will die. Collect rewards for completed tasks and discover new species of trees. You can also compete or grow trees with friends.

But the best thing is that you can plant real trees! Nearly half a million trees have been planted thanks to users of the application. That is, thanks to this application you will improve not only your life but also the life of our planet!

You can buy the app in the App Store for only $2. Forest is free for Android devices.

Now that you have everything to concentrate on and know how not to depend on the Internet, or you should get a Spectrum Number, put down your smartphone and finally get down to business. Good luck!

Take Breaks From Studying Too

Long stretches of monotonous work can severely damage your productivity and progress, setting you right back at the start where you browse endlessly the web. Instead, try to diversify your activities by delegating your assignments to trusted services –  2021?s Best Essay Writing Services in the U.S. – The Top 5. Then, find some other things to do outside of sitting behind a monitor, and you’ll see your life and your attention span gradually changing.


Linda Davis is as smart as she’s beautiful! A true example of passion, dedication, and willingness to help everyone who’s stuck in writer’s block or wants to sharpen one’s writing prowess. Since day one, Linda has proven to be an invaluable addition to our editorial team. Some of our customers are usually willing to pay extra only to have Linda working on their order. We’re so stoked to have Linda on our team!

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