She is Our Daughter

She is Our Daughter

She is Our Daughter

She is Our Daughter

She is beautiful, kind, full of humor and very smart. Her laugh is contagious and I am sure she gets her humor mostly from her father;  maybe a little from me.  Her heart is as big as can be and she gives the best hugs. She is a hard worker when it comes to anything she does; whether it be school, volleyball, or play.  She is our daughter.

When I got pregnant for the third time, after having 2 wonderful little boys, I was really hoping I would have the chance at having a daughter. We had decided to wait until the baby came to find out the sex.  I figured if I had to be pregnant for 9 months I would rather have it be a surprise.

Abbey crying

I won’t lie and say she was my ‘easiest’ baby. She seemed to cry more than my last child, and it seemed she wasn’t one to really take a nap. I remember our babysitter asking me if she ever slept, and sheepishly I said, “not really”.  As Abbey got older, she seemed to outgrow the crying and not sleeping.  She was a happy, loving baby, and her laugh back then was even infectious, you couldn’t help but smile.  For being our youngest she stopped using a bottle and her pacifer by the time she was 9-10 months old.  It was like my ‘baby’, who would be our last, wasn’t planning on being a baby for too long.

Through the years she enjoyed being read to and even memorized “Sleeping Beauty” word-for-word. She loved being around her brothers, and enjoyed playing PlayStation with them (even though her controller wasn’t plugged in). Her first best friend was her cousin Allison who is 11 months younger than her, and they continue to be close after all of these years.

As I go through old pictures of her growing up, I can remember those years, the ones that went way too fast. Daisy’s, a short soccer career (she didn’t like getting kicked), Volleyball from 7th grade to 11th grade, Senior Play from 10th grade to 12th.  All the while keeping her grades in the high honor category. So why all of this reminiscing you ask? She will be graduating from high school on the 28th. She is our last to graduate highschool, she is our daughter.

As we are with all 3 of our kids, we are very proud of her.  Sixteenth in a class of seventy-five, a member of the National Honor Society, she will be leaving in August for college to study psychology.

See Also

I will miss sitting with her in the evening while we watch one of her most favorite shows, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”, which is a runner up to “Pretty Little Liars”, “Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show”, and “Switched at Birth”.

abbey then-now pics

Although I am excited for her to move on to a new chapter in her life; it is also bittersweet because she is our daughter.

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