5 Great Alternative Sports For You To Try

5 Great Alternative Sports For You To Try

Sports in school can be great fun. But many people feel left out and don’t enjoy the experience. This leads to hesitation later in life to get involved in sports.ย 

Keeping active is essential for health, so finding a sport that you can enjoy is important.

If you are someone who has struggled in their relationship with sports and fitness, there are some alternatives that you may wish to consider.ย 

Martial Arts

Martial arts can provide a combination of fitness and spirituality. They teach you to respect your opponent and not to act in anger. Often they are meditative and can be a great source of calm and relaxation in life. They offer the chance for a positive catharsis in a very controlled manner.ย 

There are many different types to choose from, including karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo. Many take years of training to master, and once you’ve reached the highest level, you never stop developing.ย 

With most towns having an array of choice, you can find the right one for you close to home.ย 

5 Great Alternative Sports For You To TryRoller Derbyย 

Roller Derby is a fast-paced game played on roller skates. Teams of five skate around a track. One person from each team is designated as a jammer, getting one point for each person that they pass on the opposite side. The remaining skaters set out to stop that person passing. It’s a high energy game with contact.ย 

The Roller Derby community is known for its inclusivity; welcoming people from all backgrounds and all fitness levels. It’s a game that can be played by people of any shape and size.ย 

Roller Derby is great for working a variety of different muscles. It can require a bit of stamina, and if you’re a jammer (the point scorer), you will need a lot of speed and dexterity. If you’ve never skated before, don’t worry as most leagues will teach you how to skate before showing you how to play.ย 

Bog Snorkeling

Perhaps one of the most bizarre sports out there, wearing flippers and snorkels, competitors race through muddy lengths of the bog. It’s extremely messy but it is excellent fun. It takes some physical fitness too, so it is a great form of cardiovascular exercise.ย 

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A great team activity that takes tactics, stamina, and energy. Very popular for company outings, stag weekends, and birthday parties. Youโ€™ll divide off and fight it out to the messy end. Expect to come away covered in paint, but hopefully not without shooting your fair share of the enemy first. Of course, this isn’t appropriate for all ages but, fortunately, there are alternative that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Gel blasters are a great example of this, as the balls burst on contact, significantly reducing the risk of injury, but can still be used for exactly the sorts of tactical, team-oriented activities that those who go paintballing would take part in. Plus, you can easily find gel blasters for kids online so you can get them interested and engaged as soon as they express any sort of interest in this type of activity.ย 


If you like your exercise to be a little on the eccentric side, then why not try zorbing? Rolling down a hill in a giant transparent orb is not only an exciting experience, but it is also great for getting your heart rate up, and working muscles you wouldn’t imagine that you had.ย 

Whatever your history with the sport, and however fit you are, there is always a sport out there for you. Look at what is available in your local area and take the plunge and sign up to their next taster sessions.ย 

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