5 Natural Beauty Products You Need Now!

5 Natural Beauty Products You Need Now!

Spring has sprung, and it’s time to shake off that winter fog and start thinking about how you can be your best self for the summer! Although we all know real beauty blossoms from the inside, the outside beauty also matters, so you can use beauty spray to help your natural beauty shine.

Over the past few years, natural beauty products have become all the rage – and with good reason. Unlike conventional cosmetics, natural products come from organic sources that haven’t been modified or messed with, which means you don’t have to worry about putting any nasty stuff on your body. Anti-aging serums are the real workers of any skin-care routine. Since they tend to be more lightweight than hydrating creams, they’re able to penetrate more deeply into the skin, delivering active ingredients along the way.

We’ve had a look at some of the hottest trends in natural beauty and gathered them here, to help you get the perfect kit for great beauty this summer.

5 Natural Beauty Products You Need Now!

    1. Squalene Oil

This product is simply too hip not to mention. Facial oils have become all the rage over the past few years as the natural beauty trend gains ground, and as moisturizers have been shown to potentially dry your skin out more.

However, many of the most popular oils marketed for the face, like almond oil and macadamia oil actually oxidize on the skin’s surface. Practically, what this means is that they begin to degrade in the atmosphere, which, when it occurs on the surface of the skin, can accelerate the aging process.

Squalene Oil does none of that. Instead, it leaves skin perfectly moisturized, giving you that good glow.

     2. Rose Water

People from the Arab world have been hot on this beauty tip for centuries and use rose water in a variety of ways. Sometimes, it’s drunk with food, other times in baths to soften the skin, and it can be kept in purses as a little skin refresher when out and about.

Its popularity is only recently catching on in the Western world, and it’s becoming increasingly available – and boy, aren’t we glad of it! Rose water has a whole host of benefits for the skin.

First, it tones it and provides essential nurturing moisture. It can clear up your complexion and reduce the appearance of redness. We love this little miracle in a bottle!

    3.  Charcoal Toothpaste

Fluoride is so last year. There have been many studies that, although controversial, have linked fluoride consumption to a whole host of negative health affects – some even claim that it affects brain function.

Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but charcoal is a wonderful natural fluoride free toothpaste. Getting perfect gnashers without any harmful chemicals – what’s not to love?!

     4Aloe Vera Gel

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If there’s one product you’re going to be thankful for during the hotter months, it’s aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is sold in many drugstores and online, and despite its low price point, it’s a fantastic, hard-working product.

Extracts from the aloe vera plant naturally soothe irritation and inflammation. If you struggle with redness, even rosacea, it’ll help to calm that.

Its antibacterial properties mean it can help combat acne too, all while restoring moisture. And why it’s truly a lifesaver? It’ll do wonders for calming your skin after an incidence of sunburn.

    5. Coffee Granules

Lots of health hard-nuts are currently encouraging people to forsake their cup o’Joe for a glass of lemon juice in the morning, and while that may do wonders for your stress levels (and your skincare) reconsider removing that jar of Columbia’s finest from your cupboard just yet!

Consuming coffee might not be the healthiest thing in the world (although, admittedly, it is one of the most of delicious) but for your skin is great – and you’re seriously sleeping on it by not including it in your skincare regime.

Taking old coffee granules and repurposing them as a body scrub can work miracles for exfoliation. It doesn’t just stimulate the surface of the skin and remove dead skin cells, but it stimulates the blood flow under the skin, leaving you with a healthy, lustrous glow all over.


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