6 Proven Ways to Improve Your Bone Density

Having healthy bones is essential for living a happy and healthy life. However, if your bone mass density is low, you will experience problems with walking & writing with chronic pain. It is because due to low bone density, your bones become fragile and more prone to breaking. Thus, fractures and pain are common in people with low bone density.

Therefore, building a high bone density is crucial. This process happens naturally till you are 30. After that, it starts getting low. However, irrespective of your age, there are a few lifestyle changes and habits you can form to help increase your bone density. We will talk about the same below.

Tip 1: Increase your Intake of Vegetables

Eating vegetables, especially green and yellow ones, is always beneficial for your health. Regarding bone health, vegetables can help because they are a great source of Vitamin C. How does this help? Well, vitamin C can help protect your bones from damage while also promoting the production of bone-forming cells.

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Bone density means the number of minerals and calcium in your body. And vitamin C helps with calcium intake as well. Therefore, including tons of vegetables in your diet is necessary for promoting good bone density. If you are someone who has been diagnosed with low bone density, start eating broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and other vegetables that suit your body at least two times a day.

Tip 2: Get 15-minutes of Sunlight Daily

Vitamin D is necessary for building bones as it helps absorb calcium from your gut, which is critical for bone density. Now, you cannot get enough vitamin D from your food. The best solution? Get outside and soak up the sun. Spending 15-minutes in the sun (preferably early morning) can help increase the level of vitamin D in your body without exposing too much of your skin to UV rays.

Women and men can get up early and enjoy nature’s walk after sunrise to enjoy nature and soak up some sun. For kids, you can install a trampoline outside or let them play games during the early hours, so they have enough exposure to the sun. Look for a trampoline online for kids and adults to enjoy the outside while soaking up some natural vitamin D.

Tip 3: Strength Training and Weight-bearing Workout is Necessary

Women and men of all ages should start including weight-bearing and strength training in their daily workouts. For example, you can do strength training one day, HIIT one day, cardio, and weight-bearing one day, along with Yoga and meditation. These variations keep you engaged with your workout while ensuring you include the necessary strength training and weight-bearing workout crucial for building bones.

A little tip: Never perform strength training or weight-bearing workout without supervision till you are sure you can complete those without injuring yourself.

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Tip 4: Ensure you Eat Enough Calcium

Calcium is necessary for building bones. If your diet lacks calcium, your bone density will reduce, and the chances of fractures and bone pain will increase. Thus, start eating calcium throughout the day and not in one meal. The best sources of calcium are milk, cheese, sardines, beans, chia seeds, and yogurt.

Tip 5: Jump, jump, and jump

Jumping can increase hip bone density in women. Therefore, you can jump up and down for your bone health. If you don’t like jumping rope or running, look at the trampoline online for adults and jump up and down on it every day for at least 10-15 minutes.

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 It will be fun, exciting, and healthy for your bones too. Note: if you suffer from weak bones or Osteoporosis, don’t attempt these as your bones are fragile, and if you fall, it can hurt a lot.

Tip 6: Have a Protein-rich Diet

Eating 100 grams of protein in a balanced diet can help improve your bone density. Protein is the building block for bones. If your diet lacks protein, it can be a problem. So, have a balanced diet rich in protein, good fats, fiber, calcium, and other vitamins.

These are simple lifestyle changes that work wonders for your overall health. Therefore, try to implement them in your life gradually to increase bone density. Otherwise, life after 30 will become all about chronic pain, medicines, and frustrations.

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