Do It With Words: Regrow Your Hair with Your Mind Book Review

Regrow Your Hair


Do It With Words: Regrow Your Hair with Your Mind by Kfir Luzzatto Ph.d” Review

Regrow your hair with your mind, Ok I know what you are thinking. Has she gone crazy to review a book that is obviously impossible?  Yes I did because the curiosity got to me.  Orignially I thought, “I will pass”. Then I thought; it is a quick read, and although I have not lost my hair, it can’t hurt to read it.

Kfir Luzzato explains how he himself went through his process.  He went from not only growing his hair back; but back to its original gray color.

This is definitely a book that is worth your time, especially if you are interested in doing this. You can purchase this book on Amazon .

Kfir Luzzatto definitely shows how he attained Doing it with Words: Regrow Your Hair with Your Mind.

About Kfir Luzzatto

Regrow your hair with KfirI was born and raised in Italy, and moved to Israel as a teenager. I acquired my love for the English language from my father, a former U.S. soldier and WWII veteran, a voracious reader, and a prolific writer. I have a PhD in chemical engineering and I work as a patent attorney. I am a recipient of the prestigious Landau Award for Research and have been granted several patents for my own inventions. I live in Omer, Israel, with my full-time partner, Esther, our four children, Michal, Lilach, Tamar, and Yonatan, and the dog Elvis.

I published extensively in the professional and general press over the years. For almost four years I wrote a weekly โ€œPatentsโ€ column in Globes (Israelโ€™s financial newspaper). My non-fiction book, The World of Patents, was published in 2002 by Globes Press. I am the author of several short stories and of six novels. I am an HWA (Horror Writers Association) and ITW (International Thriller Writers) member and I also serve on the editorial board of The Harrow Press as Anthology Editor.

I became interested in mind-body practices a few years ago, after witnessing how my son got rid of a persistent viral wart with guided imagery. How I decided to initiate the ambitious experiment that finally led me to regrow lost hair and to turn the clock back on my hair age, restoring the original color to it, is a long story that unfolds in the book.

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You can purchase his book at these places:

Amazon/ Kobo / Google Play / Smashwords

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