The Andromedans by Elizabeth Lang Guest Post

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The Andromedans by Elizabeth Lang Guest Post

The Andromedans by Elizabeth Lang Guest Post

One of the key characters in the Empire series is a psychostrategist. Rather then give a definition of what a psychostrategist does, I thought it might be more interesting to conduct a mock interview.

Interviewer:  This is WEMP galactic broadcasts. Today we have the pleasure to interview one of those most mysterious and elusive characters, a psychostrategist. Welcome Charles Sester.

Sester:  Hello. It’s my pleasure to be here.

Interviewer:  You belong to one of the most secretive and powerful guilds in the galaxy.

Sester:  Secrecy is relative.

Interviewer: And power?

Sester:  Without secrecy, there is no power.

Interviewer:  You’ve either said something very profound, or you’re trying to avoid the question.

Sester:  Then perhaps you should ask me a better question.

Interviewer:  People say that to a psychostrategist, life is a game and people are all puppets.

Sester:  I think your game is very interesting, and I think you should be very careful whom you think the puppets are.

Interviewer:  Did you just threaten me?

Sester (genuinely warm smile):  I don’t think so.

Interviewer:  What if I say that I don’t believe you?

Sester:  Then I would say that a promotion is in your future.

Interviewer:  What? That’s ridiculous.

Sester:  Why do you think you’re here?

Interviewer:  I’m trying to conduct an interview, and failing miserably I might add.

Sester:  Ah.

Interviewer:  What’s that supposed to mean? Never mind. Next question.

Sester:  By all means.

Interviewer:  When did you become a psychostrategist?

Sester:  I was born one.

Interviewer:  You mean that you were born and raised in the Psychostrategists Guild?

Sester:  You are born a psychostrategist or you are not, but perhaps your question would be best phrased as, ‘when did I formally enter the Psychostrategists Guild,’ which would be the age of six.

Interviewer:  That’s young.

Sester:  For some people.

Interviewer:  But not for you?

Sester:  For a psychostrategist, age is not measured in years.

Interviewer:  What does that mean?

Sester:  For civilians, such as yourself, age is determined by the passage of time.

Interviewer:  But not a psychostrategist?

Sester:  Our concept of time is somewhat different than yours.

Interviewer:  You speak as if time were something you can control.

Sester:  We can control anything, for a price.

Interviewer:  Wait a minute, are you saying that the Guild has mastered time travel?

Sester:  Nothing of the sort. But we have mastered the perception of time.

Interviewer:  I don’t get it.

Sester:   Don’t worry about it.

Interviewer:  What do you do as a psychostrategist?

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Sester:  I make people’s dreams come true. Would you like to know what yours is?

By now, Sester has the kind of smile that is more like a challenge, the kind that does not touch the eyes and chills the soul.

Interviewer (blanches):  You know nothing about me.

Sester:  I think you know that I do.

Interviewer:  What’s the point of this?

Sester (leans back, warm smile returned):  You wanted your audience to know what a psychostrategist is and I think you’ve done an admirable job. I think this concludes the interview. Don’t  you think?

Interviewer:  Er…yes, I believe it does. Thank you, Charles Sester.

Sester: Thank you.

Elizabeth Lang Guest Post from The Andromedans

Elizabeth Lang is first and foremost, a geek with the obligatory love of science fiction and fantasy. She spent most of her life in the computer industry designing computer systems for world domination the mundane industry of life insurance, which is surprisingly, not as exciting as it sounds.

Now she creates enchanted worlds of magic, explores the human condition in the light of future technology and civilizations, and dreams about world domination. Or at least, some of her characters do.

Her first book, The Empire was fortunate enough to be a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and she has never  looked back.

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