Pound Puppies: A Rare Pair #Review

pound puppies a rare pair-re
[easy-tweet tweet=”Pound Puppies is out today 1/19, Join them for 5 fun episodes @ShoutFactory. ” user=”@BeckyWillis” hashtags=”#review”]Pound Puppies first came on the scene in 1984, with the oh-so-cute pups, it is no surprise that they are still making their shows still.  For a little over 31 years, they are still going strong with their newest DVD “Pound Puppies: A Rare Pair”.Pound Puppies: A Rare Pair

Within this DVD are five episodes with Lucky, Niblet, Cookie, Squirt and Strudel. They are back for more puppy fun. From trying to place an alligator named Rover, to trying to adopt a kitten and puppy adopted into the same home.  Their adventures also included sneaking into the Kennel Kittens, then on to get back a stolen gadget.  Talk about determined canines that will do whatever it takes to find perfect matches for  loved ones for every pet at Shelter 17.

Heartwarming to say the least for a cartoon as well as an old time favorite.  These episodes brought me back to when my cousins were small.

This hit the shelves today, January 19th!







See Also
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Episodes Included:

  • Catcalls
  • The Really Weird Dog
  • Call of the Squirreldog
  • Kennel Kittens Return
  • Once a Ralph, Always A Ralph

Run time: 110 minutes
Format: DVD
Various directors and actors.

You can purchase this title on Amazon (my affiliate link)

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