Tips to Become a Tenacious, Independent Force

tips to become a tenancious

Being independent and confident is sometimes more easily said than done. But independence breeds opportunity, and if you believe in yourself anything is possible. So how do you realize your full, dazzling potential? Take the time to change your way of thinking and let determination and willpower help you grow into the tenacious force you were born to be.

tips to become a tenancious

Throw Yourself out of Your Comfort Zone

You won’t grow if you stay in the cozy walls of your comfort zone. It is hard going into the unknown, but being brave will reap you rewards. Taking a solo trip might fill you with dread, but it may be one of the most self-defining times of your life. With only your wits and a handy guide book, you will start to realize how strong you can be. You will decide where you go, who you talk to and how you get there. Steadily, your confidence will grow, alongside the amazing scrapbook of photos and experiences.

Another idea to get out of your comfort zone is to put yourself in a situation you never thought you could handle. For example, negotiating a car deal makes you take charge and be assertive. Don’t worry if it doesn’t go perfectly the first time because, with a little practice, you will be schmoozing the dealers with your charms.

Fake It til You Make It

You might think you are the only one in the room who doesn’t know what they are doing, but the majority of people around you are masking a face of self-confidence while melting with fear on the inside. It’s OK to be scared, and it might actually help you do your best as long as you don’t let your fears overtake you. Nerves show you care, and if you turn that nervous energy into a determination to do well, you might surprise yourself and everyone around you.

Make sure you fully prepare in the weeks leading up to your interview or presentation, so you don’t get stuck by any questions. Practice your technique with a friend and plan a few questions to ask yourself. Don’t be afraid to talk about your skills and accomplishments, even if they are unrelated, and show a willingness to learn and develop.

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Write Down Your Life Plan

You might have split up from the man of your dreams or just moved out of your parents’ house, and life feels overwhelming. Breaking up or moving on from someone you have been dependent on for a long time can leave your self-esteem in tatters; however, with a little planning and courage, you will get back on track and be stronger than ever.

Get a journal and write down your strengths and weaknesses. Put yourself in social situations and work on improving your weaknesses. If you don’t have a life plan, write down what you want to accomplish in the next five years and then ways you can meet those goals. This can include a career change, moving to a new city or pushing yourself to accept more responsibility at work and home.

Learning to be independent is a journey. You have to work hard to feel self-confident. Challenge yourself, get out there and reap the rewards of a happy, independent life.

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