Loving Day Should Be June 12

Loving Day Should Be June 12

loving dayLoving Day Should Be June 12th

Back in 1967 The US Supreme Court they made the decision between the Lovings vs Virginia, which struck down all US State Laws banning interracial marriage โ€“ mainly between non-whites and whites. Love doesn’t have a color and I truly believe that no matter what your skin color is, you should be happy with your significant other.

This year on June 12th I challenge each of you to join with me in signing the petition to make Loving Day an official Federal Holiday. We all love someone and just because our skin might be a different color it doesn’t mean that love isn’t there.  Let’s band together to make Loving Day an official Federal Holiday while admiring their bravery for standing up in something they believed so strongly in. .

Loving Day


A new Focus Featuresโ€™ movie world-premiered on May 16, 2016 in Competition at the 2016 Cannes International Film Festival.  From acclaimed writer/director Jeff Nichols (Midnight Special, Mud, Take Shelter), this movie celebrates the real-life courage and commitment of an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving (Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga), whose civil rights case, Loving v. Virginia, went all the way to the Supreme Court. This film will be a must watch for many of us because back in 1967 things were a lot different.  I would venture to say that we have a more “modern day case” of this happening now across the US with the same sex marriage arguments.

 Loving Day

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This movie will be in theaters across the country in November.

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