It’s Okay to Fail in Front of Your Kids| Christina Applegate|Annie Mumolo

Disclosure: I was sent to LA to attend the Bad Moms Junket Event all expenses paid in order to cover their event with other bloggers (Thank you STX Entertainment). ย All opinions are 100% my own. I appreciateMom Does Reviews for sending me to cover her event (the KuboEvent) which allowed me to cover this one.

While in LA we had the pleasure of interviewing two more actors from the movie Bad Moms, (which comes out July 29th). ย Christina Applegate (plays Gwendolyn) and Annie Mumolo (plays Vicky). Once again we had such a great time and it was very laid back listening to them during our interview. ย You see, they too are Moms and totally get the overwhelming feeling that they have their Bad Mom Moments too!

BadMoms-Christina Applegate

Gwendolyn (Christina Applegate) is the snooty PTA president that comes across perfect. Always the perfect hair and dressed to the hilt at school drop off, always looking like she has it all together. ย In real-life Christina mentions that she is totally the opposite. ย She is lucky if she can wash her hair or make it to school in anything more than her sweatpants with her hair up and no make-up.

Daily Christina wonders if the Moms that do show up like her character Gwendolyn go to a blow-out bar at 5:00am to look like that. Her mornings actually sound like many of mine when my kids were little. “Brush your hair, brush your teeth, brush your hair…and it goes on and on. ย I am not sure why we think celebrities have it any easier than we do when it comes to raising our kids. I agree with her statement that we all hold ourselves to such a high standard and sometimes we just need to cut ourselves some slack. ย If we were all just a little bit nicer to one another we would find out that when it comes down to it we are not much different with the stresses we put on ourselves. Christina also admitted that waking up in the morning is what she struggles with the most and being nice when doing so.

BadMoms-Annie Mumolo

Annie relates in a lot of the ways that Christina mentioned. ย The difference is that her mornings are much louder and to the point “Brush”. ย She has met Gwendolyn’s in her life, the ones that look you up and down while speaking to you.

Annie at times has to take breaks from the grind, she says she goes to her closet and takes a few minutes to breathe. She may or may not have mentioned wine was involved. By Thursdays, its “find your dinner night”, a night I remember my own sister having each week.

She mentions that she has a ‘feisty’ 6-year-old that questions her when she goes out, “are you wearing that?”, “are you leaving the house like that?”. ย Her daughter even drew a picture once of Annie with a messy bun, sweatpants, ย and put my mom is crazy. ย It is important toย make sure to take time for yourself. ย Annie never did that, and it really took a toll on me. ย I always felt guilty in the beginning. ย Now I’m really good at being a bad mom.

While talking about being a Mom, Annie did mention that if you don’t make sure to take just a little care of yourself, that you could end up in trouble, and then you can’t be the mother you hoped to be anyway.

Ticketing Link:

Bad Moms celebratesย โ€œBad Motherโ€™s Dayโ€ on July 29ย โ€“ย the Motherโ€™s Day you really want and deserve!ย Get tickets now:ย

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Christina Applegate|Annie Mumolo

What kind of Mom do you relate to? Christina Applegate as Gwendolyn? Annie Mumolo as the Clueless Mom? Or possibly one of the Moms fromย We are All Bad Moms Sometimes and Itโ€™s Ok with Mila Kunis | Kathryn Hahnย ?

See Also
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Bad Mom's Poster

BAD MOMS โ€“ In Theaters July 29

In this new comedy from the grateful husbands and devoted fathers who wrote The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life โ€“ a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However, sheโ€™s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that sheโ€™s about to snap.

Fed up, she joins forces with two other over-stressed moms on a quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities โ€“ going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of long overdue freedom, fun, and self-indulgence โ€“ putting them on a collision course with PTA Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms.ย 

Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Jay Hernandez, Clark Duke, Annie Mumolo, with Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate

Studio: STX Entertainment

Genre: Comedy

Writers/Directors: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore

Producers: Suzanne Todd, Bill Block

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