Veggie Tales Season 4 only on Netflix

Veggie Tales 4th Season on Netflix 9/23

A new 4th season of VEGGIE TALES IN THE HOUSE is premiering this Friday, September 23rd only on Netflix!

And to get everybody excited for the new season we have some super special new clips for you!!ย VeggieTales has been around for several years and when Liz was small VeggieTales was one of her favorite cartoons.

My kids were quite a bit older when Veggie Tales were just getting popular, but my husband’s daycare kids loved them. ย Since it is a family friendly show and incorporates some religion typeย themes I can see why this is a favorite show for many kids.

Silly No More

But on September 23rdย Netflix is bringing their original series VeggieTales to life for a Season 4. So kids everywhere can learn about God, and fall in love with these adorable characters. At one time we could both say “Where is my hairbrush” episode word for word whether it being said or sung. Oh how I miss those days of her being small but it did help set a foundation to teach her about religion and more. Which is what it is all about in the end, start teaching our kids today, I promise they will be thankful you did.
Netflix has Veggie Tales Season 4
Veggie Tales Inspired Snacks

Veggie Tales Activity Sheets

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The cast will not only work on being the best friends they can be, but our cast also learns a variety of lessons, including: being a good listener, not over?reacting, being honest, and appreciating the good things you already have! Tune in on September 23rd to watch ย your favorite kids’ favorite characters come to life.

The Cookie Song

Is an very jinglly tune that talks about all kinds of delicious cookies and of course Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. But in true Veggie Tale Form they encourage “only in moderation”. ย Tune inย on September 23rdย Netflix is bringing their original series VeggieTales to life for a Season 4.

If you are fans of the Veggie Tales series then you will excited about 9/23.

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