Join the Care Bears and Cousins Volume 1 on 11/1 + Review

Care Bears & Cousins

Care Bears & Cousins: Take Heart Volume 1

Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post.  I did receive a copy of this DVD  from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. 

My review:

Care Bears have become a timeless bunch of fun, cute characters.  I remember when they first came out all those years ago.  I was actually 12 years old and I can’t believe at 47 years old they are still around.  BUT what I am happy about is that now my granddaughter can enjoy them too.

I really enjoyed Care Bear & Cousins Take Heart.  In our family cousins are very close, some of my best memories are those with my cousins.  We made sure our children were able to have that closeness with their cousins, and now our kids being cousins.

The exciting news has hit the land of Care-a-lot.  The loveable Cozy Heart Penguin (one of my favorites), Bright Heart Raccoon and Lotsa Heart Elephant are all home now.

You will enjoy them with the other Care Bears as you join them in 6 Sweet Episodes.

  1. Take Heart
  2. Return to Tender
  3. The Bright Stuff
  4. The Share Shack
  5. Belly Badgered
  6. Wonderful Heart

With the holidays around the corner, any Care Bear fan will love to own this volume one. A great gift for the holidays! You can pre-order on Amazon!–the link is below.

Do you or your child have a favorite Care Bear?

Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post.  I did receive a copy of this DVD  from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. 


Get ready for heartwarming adventures when the brand new series CARE BEARS™ & COUSINS: TAKE HEART – VOLUME 1 arrives on DVD (plus Digital) and Digital HD November 1 from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.




After many years away from Care-a-Lot, Care Bears Cousins finally return home in Care Bears™ & Cousins: Take Heart – Volume 1, arriving on DVD (plus Digital) and Digital HD November 1 from Lionsgate. In this brand new series, debuting for the first time on DVD, the Care Bears reunite with their cousins to retrieve the Cousins’ stolen ship. Care Bears™ & Cousins: Take Heart – Volume 1 will spread caring and sharing on DVD for the suggested retail price of $14.98.

Buy on Amazon (aff. link)*


There’s exciting news in the land of Care-a-Lot! The Care Bear Cousins – Brave Heart Lion, Bright Heart Raccoon, Lotsa Heart Elephant, and Cozy Heart Penguin – have returned home. The Cousins make sure that the Share Cloud is always full of the Care Hearts that Care-a-Lot needs. When the Cousins’ ship is stolen, the Care Bears and the Cousins use their caring skills to retrieve the ship, save the Share Cloud, collect the lost Care Hearts, and much more in these heartwarming adventures!


Year of Production: 2015

See Also
halo69 slot

Title Copyright: CARE BEARS™ and related trademarks © 2016 Those Characters From Cleveland, Inc. American Greetings with rose logo is a trademark of AGC, LLC.

Type: Home Entertainment Premiere

Rating: Not Rated

Genre: Family, Animation, Children’s/Series

Closed-Captioned: English

Subtitles: N/A

Run Time: 132 minutes

DVD Format: 16×9 Widescreen (1.78:1)

DVD Audio Status: English 2.0 Dolby Digital Audio

*Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link. This means if you purchase from this link I may receive a small commission. 

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