How to Maintain a Swimming Pool – 4 Facts You Should Know

How to maintain a swimming pool - 4 facts you should know

During a hot summer season having a swimming pool on your property can be a pretty sweet deal, always be incredibly glamorous and blessing to you. Itโ€™s easy to give into daydreams of hosting weekend parties, prosecute and vitalize fitness routine that includes laps after work, and spending long afternoons lounging poolside while cultivating the perfect tan. But like most good things, a swimming pool requires quite a bit of maintenance. To maintain a swimming pool use the best pool vacuum cleaner to keep your pool sparkling clean, always inviting, refreshing and ready for use every day.

How to maintain a swimming pool - 4 facts you should know

Although cleaning your pool can seem daunting it isn’t really so bad if you use the tips below.  Preventative maintenance will go a long way to decrease lifecycle costs in your swimming pool. Carefully attention the advice below and save time, money and hassle. It not so hard, it is just a matter of making a habit.

Balance :

Clean water and balanced water chemistry are the keys to pool maintenance. pH is the measure of acid and base in the pool water’s total alkalinity and calcium hardness balance. Check pool chemistry 1-2 times per week during the summer and once per 1-2 weeks in the winter. pH should be kept between 7.2 and 7.8 the lower the pH on this scale the less chlorine your pool will need. Chlorine at 8.5 pH is about 10% active and at 7.0 is about 73% active. If the pH is too low, it will corrode metal equipment, cause etching on the surface materials and cause skin irritation. If the pH is too high, it prevents scaling on the pool surface and plumbing equipment and can cloud the water. Best of all, it prevents eye and skin irritation.

Note: Follow label directions and Opt for lithium-based chlorine, which dissolves easily, leaves no residue, and won’t jar pH.


The system of filtration is to remove any surface dirt, debris and excessive amounts of leaves or branches from the pool water. The pool can be cleaned by turning off the filter, removing the filter cap located on the pool deck, clean out the pipes, lifting out the filter basket, and removing any debris before replacing everything.

While the skimmer basket and the hair and lint basket in the pump all play a role in the filtering of the pool water, the primary element of the system is the filter itself. If you backwash sand or DE filters too often, the filter cannot reach its cleaning potential and you are wasting water. Most filters require backwashing when the pressure gauge rises 8-10 psi from clean.

Consult your pool professional to understand the role that the skimmer and pump basket play in keeping your pool clean. To make it easy you may explore the  latest pool cleaner reviews out there Always consult your ownerโ€™s manual for specifics related to the type of filter you have. Soak dirty filters in a 10% solution of muriatic acid or a solution of TSP. Use a rubber trash can. Wear gloves and eye protection. Be careful! Always add acid to water, NOT water to acid. Afterwards, rinse until clean and let them dry.


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Shocking refers to drastically raising the chlorine levels for a short period of time to kill bacteria. The pool needs to be shocked at least once a week or when necessary. It can get rid of contaminants that cause cloudy water, chlorine odor and eye irritation, while also preventing future problems and reducing the need for other chemicals. Adding a shock treatment will usually spike the chlorine level to 10 ppm. You will have to wait at least 12-24 hours before swimming can be resumed.

Itโ€™s done by diluting three to five times the normal amount of chlorine or other chemical sanitizers with water, slowly pouring it into the poolโ€™s return line, letting it filter throughout the pool, and then slowly refilling the pool with water over time. Use shock regularly to kill off growth and oxidize. During swim season, test your poolโ€™s total chlorine and free chlorine levels frequently. The best time to shock is early evening.


Sanitize your pool water and kill bacteria with Chlorine and Bromine. Chlorine is the primary sanitizer. It protected from sunlight degradation and kills algae. A chlorine level of 1-3 ppm should be maintained in the pool at all times. One dose will usually last anywhere from 3-7 days. Bromine is an alternative to chlorine. Bromine is more stable than chlorine at higher water temperatures. Bromine use as a sanitizer limits you to using a non- chlorine shock. Bromine provides a reliable method for killing bacteria and is an ideal means to keep your pool clear. Bromine needs to be maintained within 2-4 ppm and you are guaranteed an easy and low-maintenance swimming season.

Looking for fast results? When we talk about properly balanced pool water, we mean it has just the right pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels. Maintain correct levels and everything should run smoothly, it prevents scale formation that can damage pool equipment, stain surfaces and cloud your water keep for proper balancing. Best of all, it prevents eye and skin irritation.

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