Knowing What to Do After Getting Bad News

Knowing What to Do After Getting Bad News

We all want to be as healthy as we possibly can. We try to eat healthily, to get enough exercise, and to live as well as we possibly can. But life is not always as friendly as Disney makes it out to be. There is the chance that an annual visit to the doctor could end up with some bad news that may come as an unwelcome shock.

This isn’t supposed to inspire fear for you. But you never know when you might be on the receiving end of some life-changing news. In some cases, you might be advised on what steps to take to fix everything, but in others, it might already be too late.


When first receiving bad news about terminal or degenerative illnesses, it can be hard to process. There will probably be depression, bargaining, and a feeling of what’s the point? As much as it will affect you, it will also affect your family and friends, too, and so it is imperative that you don’t panic and take the time, however long you need, to understand what is about to happen.

Life-ending illnesses can take between months and years for you to fully succumb to them. Depending on this time frame, you have at least some time to come to terms with facing your own mortality. Speak to others if you need to, and do everything within your power to not let it affect you.


While money may be one of the last things you want to think about when dealing with terminal illness, you want to make any tricky financial issues much more comfortable for your children and family.

To save any tricky financial issues and streamline the process of deciding who gets what, you will need to research what a living trust is, and take the necessary steps to ensure all of your finances are in order. You want to bequeath your possessions to those you want to, and organizing your will and trust will allow your family to approach it correctly.


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But what is most important, perhaps, is ensuring that you continue to live your life as best you can and continue to make memories with those you hold most dear with however long you have left. It will be a difficult transition at first, but once you have managed to come to terms with it, you can begin carrying on with your life.

Make more memories with your family. Do things that you have always wanted to do and chase the happiness that has been robbed from you through this illness. Many people create video diaries for their young children to watch later, others make a memory box. Whatever you choose, leaving something for others to remember you by will let you and them reflect on the impact you made on their lives.

It is never easy to hear bad news regarding your health, and it is understandable to struggle with all of the emotions that come with it upon the diagnosis. But knowing your options when this news comes will take a lot of the pain and stress away, and allow you to live out the rest of your life feeling accomplished.


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