Major Causes and Symptoms of Anemia


Anemia is the reduction in the number of red blood cells that are present in the body. This decrease in red blood cell makes it difficult for oxygen to be properly circulated around the body. As stated by Xpertdox, there are various factors that make an individual be anemic, some are due to natural factor while some results from the activities we do, the food we eat, drugs we take etc. whichever the cause of this disease might be, it is very important we know the symptoms of anemia. Knowing the symptoms of anemia will better place you in a position to know the relevant steps to take at every point in time.

There are some anemic patient who died because they donโ€™t know theyโ€™re having it. However, knowing the cause of anemia will better prepare us to do away with those things that can make us to have it. We will enlighten you on the major causes of anemia and the symptoms to can find in people that has it.

Highlighted below are the major causes and symptoms of anemia:


Anemia caused by Iron deficiency: Iron plays an important role in the body by helping in the production of red blood cell. Most of the natural foods like vegetable and fruits contain Iron, therefore, you must take these foods regularly so that there will be more than enough Iron in your body. If Iron is not present or not enough in our diet it may lead to anemia. This type of anemia usually occurs in pregnant women because at this period they need blood more, if they donโ€™t eat such foods that contains iron for a regular supply of blood, they might have anemia.

The Anemia caused by the deficiency in Vitamin:ย The research carried out by medical teams of Xpertdox suggested that if essential vitamins (especially vitamin B-12) is not present in the food we take, then we stand the risk of getting anemia. The essential vitamins help in improving the immune system thereby leading to the presence of strong antibodies which helps in fighting infections.

Loss of blood: when a large quantity of blood is a loss by the body, the body wonโ€™t have the ability the replace the red blood cell that has lost, and this condition might lead to anemia.Women in general loss blood during their menstrual periods, some people loss blooding when bleeding. If these conditions are not well taken good care of, it might lead to anemia.

Anemia through inheritance: There are some certain people that are anemic due to inheritance. This condition is part of their genetic make- up, and it will actually dwell in them through their lifetime. This condition can still be well managed if the patient goes for a regular medical checkup. The known types of anemia that can be inherited are the sickle cell anemia and the hemophilic anemia.

Anemia caused by chronic disease: Anemia also results from the occurrence of certain disease and infection in the boy system, especially the chronic infections like cancer, Kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/AIDS and some other chronic inflammatory diseases. These diseases are terminal if they are not adequately tackled, they interfere with the production of red blood cells in the body thereby leading to anemia.

Age: Although this cause is not that common. But people have a high chance of having anemia when they are 65 years and above according to the research which some groups of medical experts did.

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  • Fatigue and loss of energy: This is situation where you always feel tired and very weak. Although several factors contribute to fatigue, however, shortage of blood which can be due to anemia contribute more to fatigue. So if youโ€™re constantly having this feeling, make sure you contact the medical personnel for proper medical check- up.
  • Pale or yellow skin: There are noticeable physical changes in a patient that has anemia, some of such changes are skin colour changes. At first the skin will become pale yellow, but if itโ€™s not well treated, and the condition becomes severe, the skin finally turns to yellow.
  • Irregular heartbeat: This occurs when the heart beats too fast or too slow. It results from the irregular or abnormal pumping of blood to the heart. If an individual is anemic, there wonโ€™t be enough blood supply to the heart which might lead to irregular heartbeat. If you notice any irregular heartbeat, make sure you report to your doctor.
  • Shortness of breath: This is a situation where the lung and the heart does not have adequate oxygen to transport to the body tissues. Because an anemic patient does not have enough red blood cell, there will be low production of oxygen which might lead to shortness of breath. The severe case of this condition can result to death.

Some other symptoms of anemia are:


  • Headache
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Chest pain
  • Inability to think clearly
  • Dizziness



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