No Matter What the Season BubbleBum Has You Covered

No Matter What the Season BubbleBum Has You Covered

Disclosure:ย  I was provided with BubbleBum booster seats in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.

I have had BubbleBum booster seats on my site before, but at the time I had another writer cover it for me.ย  When I found out that they were offering for me to do another review I was so excited.ย  My grandson just turned 4 and we knew we would need for him to have his own booster seat since his sister is using the other ones (plus they are pink).ย  Although he doesn’t have an issue with that, he really wanted to have his own booster seat.

No Matter What the Season BumbleBum Has You Covered

Since we have been living with them since our house fire we have needed seats in our car, as well as his Daddy’s. Zak was so excited when they showed up as they are green. We found they were very easy to blow up and install in our vehicles.ย  Now Zak feels like a ‘big kid’ with his new booster seats.

About BubbleBum Backless Booster Seats

No Matter What the Season BubbleBum Has You Covered

  • The Inflatable, portable & safe booster seat for children aged 4 โ€“ 11, 40 โ€“ 100 pounds
  • Rated a โ€œBest Betโ€ Booster by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) 7 years in a row
  • Perfect for vacation, car rental, carpool and tight โ€œthree acrossโ€ fits because of the small, narrow and light design
  • When deflated, it easily fits in your backpack or tote bag making family life easier!
  • It comes with its own carry bag which helps with storage or taking on the go.

I also love the fact that it isn’t bulky so if you needed to leave it at preschool you can put it in his/her backpack for the person that is picking them up.ย  THIS is a huge plus.ย  You can purchase these in a set of 2 here or singly here.

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They also have a range of patterns/colors which you can view here.

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