Summer is More Fun with ArmoGear’s Laser Battle Tag

Summer is More Fun with ArmoGear's Laser Battle Tag

Disclosure:  In partnership with ArmoGear Laser Battle and What U Talking About Willis.  All opinions are my own.

Family Gatherings are More Fun with ArmoGear Laser Battle Tag

Our extended family gets together many times during the summer months whether it is to celebrate family birthdays, Father’s Day, 4th of July or just because.  One thing we have found is the adult kids and littles enjoy the ability to play games together in the outdoors.  When Nesstoy offered me to receive their ArmorGear Laser Battle tag game I jumped at the chance.  The adult kids range from 30 years old down to 19 years old and the littles are both 8 and 4 respectively.  This game is intended for ages 8 and above but it was hard to keep the 4 years old from wanting to play along with the “big kids”.

Summer is More Fun with ArmoGear's Laser Battle Tag

About ArmorGear Laser Battle Tag

Our set came with 4 guns and 4 vests.  There are 4 colors of red, orange, green and blue.  Each vest and gun are infrared lasers  which feature a wireless target vest, 15-second invisibility mode, built-in night vision flashlight, voice-guided gameplay with instructions.  They have a shooting range of 150-200 feet which makes it great for long distance shooting and they don’t have to be on top of each other to play.  The multi-player capability helps each person be their own ‘team’ which gives the players loads of fun. Each gun has 4 different weapon modes with cool sound effects.  I am not sure who enjoyed them more the older kids or the younger kids.
Summer is More Fun with ArmoGear's Laser Battle TagWe had 4 teams consisting of my oldest son Aaron, my nephew Tanner, nephew-in-law Anthony and my other son Ethan. They played a few rounds and we all enjoyed watching them see who would win. The younger kids got involved and enjoyed hiding with the older kids while they were mapping out their plans.

Everyone can’t wait until the next together so they can play another few games of ArmoGear’s Laser Battle Tag.  You will find that kids and adults of all ages will enjoy ArmoGear Laser Battle tag.  You can choose from sets of 2 or the set of 4.  Each set of 2 is offered in orange and green or blue and red.

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You can purchase here on their Amazon Link.

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