Do You Make the Grade as a Beer Aficionado

Beer Aficionado

Do You Make the Grade as a Beer Aficionado? How Good Are You at Picking Out the Best Beers to Taste?

There are thousands of beers on the market at any given time, some of which are always worthier of tasting than others. Even the thirstiest and most enthusiastic of beer hounds can never hope to sample more than a fraction of the available options.

Focus on the few beers that have the most to offer, and you’ll enjoy the hobby even more. There are a handful of common signs that a beer demands to be cracked open, a brief look at which follows.

Seek Out Beers With Unusual Recipes

Most beer fans realize that many suds today taste quite a bit like any number of others. There are only so many ways to combine malted barley, yeast, water, and hops to make a beer worth drinking, after all.

It will generally be best to stick to tasting the few beers that have been rated highest for their styles. On the other hand, there are also some beers that are simply so innovative and unusual that giving them a try will always be worthwhile.

A release from Samuel Adams reviewed at Alcohol Professor, for instance, combines traits of both ales and lagers. Bridging the gap like that is unusual to the point that only a handful of other beers can be said to have done the same.

Such signs of distinction will almost always make a beer worth tasting since there will be very few others of the same kind. Beer fans can even organize tasting nights around brews that all have a similarly unusual quirk.

Don’t Miss Special Beer Releases

Most breweries today turn out certain beers in large quantities while being a lot more miserly with others. Some of the best-reviewed beers of all only get released at certain times and in small batches.

Beers of the latter class will often be worth seeking out and trying, as many beer fans know. That can require waiting in line at a local brewery in order to be among the privileged few who end up with some bottles.

Fortunately, breweries that do these types of releases have mostly gotten good about making them easy to keep up with. Highly respected brewers like Bell’s even publish calendars that detail all their anticipated releases for the year.

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Keeping abreast of the most interesting special releases to come will always make being a beer fan even more fun. Breweries tend to put everything they can into making these beers stand out, which is not always true of their everyday offerings.

Keep Up With Seasonal Beers

For centuries, brewers in beer-oriented countries have been crafting beers meant to be enjoyed at certain times of the year or on particular holidays. Seasonal beers like the various German bocks are almost always worth trying.

One of the reasons for this is simply that such beers usually have characteristics that make them appropriate for certain months and types of weather. Sampling some relatively heavy winter beers can be a great way to keep warm when temperatures drop. Tasting a variety of light, refreshing wheat beers in the middle of the summer should always be pleasant, as well.

Beers that fall into any of the three groups above tend to be worth trying even when little is known about them. There are even some beers that qualify for two or all three of these designations. Beer fans who make the effort to avoid the ordinary and seek out unusual, limited, and seasonal brews for tasting will generally have the most fun.

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