Dating Dramas – 5 Reasons Your Online Dating Profile Isn’t Working

Dating Dramas

(And What You Can Do To Fix Them)

Online dating is thought to be the main way that the majority of people meet partners these days. So it makes sense that an online profile is kind of a big deal. It is the way that you quickly let somebody know who you are and what you’re about. If your online dating profile is missing the mark, it is time to make some changes. Here are five potential reasons your online profile isn’t working and how to fix it so you can start getting some dates:

  1. Your Low-Confidence Is Apparent

    The Problem

    Maybe you’re not smiling in your photo because you hate your teeth. Perhaps you’re not listing your talents or skills because you don’t recognize you have any. Low-confidence can be really off-putting for potential dates.

    The Solution

    Take your profile down and take some time to work on yourself. Go to a teeth whitening dentist and get that smile fixed. Get some therapy. Start a new hobby just for yourself. Once you’re feeling stronger, reapproach that dating profile and it will probably be completely different. As drag guru, Ru Paul says, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you are gonna love somebody else?”

  2. Your Profile Is Dull

    The Problem

    If your profile is absolutely littered with cliches and the same things everybody puts, then it will be dull. There’s nothing for anybody to relate to, so you’re only going to get messages based on your physical appearance.

    The Solution

    Think of interesting facts and information about yourself that could start conversations. What is your favorite food and why? Do you have any quirky (PG) hobbies? Liven up that profile to stand out and, hopefully, to start getting more messages.

  3. Your Photos Are All The Same

    The Problem

    If your photos are all selfies, distance shots of you on your horse, or with the lads on holiday, you’re not giving a good overall view of who you are.

    The Solution

    Use a selection of photos on your profile to represent yourself in lots of lights. A selfie, an image of you snowboarding or playing the piano, or an image of you with friends all give a much broader impression of who you are, which is much more appealing than one picture. 

  4. You’re Too Controversial

    The Problem

    We all have views and strong opinions that make us who we are. However, putting these strong views or opinions on a profile can turn somebody off. They may get the wrong impression of you, which is a real shame.

    See Also

    The Solution

    Keep it light and positive. Anything you put on your profile should be gentle and breezy, giving an overall impression of your best points. Save the heavier stuff for dates later down the line. 

  5. You’ ve Written A Novel

    The Problem

    There’s nothing wrong with putting a lot of information on your profile but have you gone a bit too far? Long-winded profiles can be off-putting in a world where we make a first impression in less than 30 seconds (often much less online!).

    The Solution

    Everything you say, try and say it in fewer words. It doesn’t need to be minimalist, but making your points concisely will give your profile more power.

    Your dating profile is probably OK, but there’s always room for improvement. Follow our tips above, and keep tweaking it until it’s right. Soon enough you’ll be enjoying a full inbox and a successful dating profile that truly represents you in the best possible way.

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