Ultimate Guide on CBD for Health

Ultimate Guide on CBD for Health

Have you heard about CBD oil and the amazing health benefits it offers? This cannabis plant has been used for various medicinal purposes for thousands of years now. It contains over 100 different compounds known as cannabinoids.

You might be wondering, is this not marijuana that gives you the โ€˜highโ€™ effects? That is tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC. This is the most abundant and known for the psychoactive properties it gives. However, this is different from cannabidiol (CBD), which has NO psychoactive effects whatsoever. 

Because of this, more and more people have been using CBD to improve their overall health. If you are thinking of getting CBD oil 24%, read on for this ultimate guide to stay well-informed of its uses.

About CBD

Cannabis sativa is the botanical name for all different kinds of cannabis, including THC and CBD. 

As mentioned, this plant contains cannabinoids. Every one of those compounds would have different effects on the body. For CBD leafnation.com, it has no high effects whatsoever and contains compounds that are said to relieve various conditions, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and PTSD.

Did you know that there is such a thing as the endocannabinoid system (ECS)? This is a biological system that came up in the 90s, which plays a significant role in our brains, endocrine, and our immune functions. The systemโ€™s major role is to maintain homeostasis, referring to biological balances between the body and brain.

This system has two elements, which are endocannabinoid receptors C1 and C2. Our body would create our own cannabinoids, which would be created naturally in our body or introduced through forms of cannabis. 

Cannabinoid receptors are found in our brain, body, and nerves. CB1 receptors are in our brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys. CB2 receptors are in our immune system and hematopoietic cells. 

Is CBD Legal?

Yes, CBD is legal, but only in certain states. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 legalized CBD that was derived from hemp, which contains only 0.3% of THC. These can be grown and used legally. 

Such CBD is legal in all states except for Idaho, Mississippi, and South Dakota. Plants that have over 0.3% of THC are considered marijuana, which is legal in 10 states only. 

CBD can be taken in various ways, may it be through tablets, gummies, lotions, or even oil. As for the recommended dosage, itโ€™s best to start low, going slowly with the dosages rather than trying a high dose, especially right before a big event. Itโ€™s best to ask a medical professional about the recommended dosage and to make sure that the CBD does not interfere with any medications you take. 

The Uses of CBD

Now that you know more about CBD, what can you use this for? There are a lot of conditions CBD is known to help in, though more research is required to learn more about its potential benefits and effects. 

There are existing studies suggesting that CBD can treat various conditions, as mentioned above. Letโ€™s take a look at its different uses:

  1. Anxiety

One study showed how CBD could reduce symptoms of social anxiety disorder. Another study from the journal, Neurotherapeutics, analyzed preclinical studies of using CBD for anxiety, finding that it was effective in various anxiety conditions, such as:

  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

That said, the authors of the study recommend further research to determine its long-term and therapeutic effects.

  1. Depression

While there are various treatments available to treat depressions, such as medication and psychotherapy, interest in alternative treatments has grown recently.

Animal studies have suggested that CBD may have an impact on the receptors producing antidepressant effects (serotonin). A 2018 study showed that the antidepressant-like effects produced by CBD would depend on the brainโ€™s serotonin levels. While CBD doesnโ€™t increase serotonin levels, it would affect how brains will respond to the serotonin already in the body.

See Also

  1. Epilepsy
  2. CBD is known to have various benefits on neurologic disorders, including how it can decrease the severity and frequency of seizures. There are some conditions, including Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which may not respond to anti-seizure medicine well. There have been videos of CBD treatments that have helped in alleviating such seizures recently, with research supporting its effectiveness.

A large-scale study on CBD use for treating pediatric epilepsy found out that CBD has reduced the frequency of seizures by over 50% in 43% of patients that have Dravet syndrome.

In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a cannabis-derived medicine that has CBD, which can treat specific childhood seizure disorders. This medication is Epidiolex.

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Research suggests CBD can be helpful to reduce the symptoms of PTSD. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that oral dosing of CBD, along with routine psychiatric treatment for PTSD, helped in reducing the symptoms.

  1. Sleep Difficulties

CBD might have calming effects on its users, so it shows promise in treating those who suffer from sleep difficulties. A study of adults who had symptoms of poor sleep and anxiety showed that 65% reported improvements in their sleep quality scores after taking 25mg of CBD daily for one month. However, the scores fluctuated over time, which is why more research is required to determine CBDโ€™s possible effects on sleep.

Wrapping It Up

So, should you try CBD?

While CBD holds promise, there is insufficient support for its mental health uses. That said, it doesnโ€™t mean it isnโ€™t effective! There just needs to be more research and high-quality evidence to confirm CBDโ€™s effects in treating medical conditions, and with more research carried out, the future of CBD may change. 

You may try it out, as long as you have the go signal from your doctor and take only the recommended dose. Also, make sure that you get CBD from a reputable brand. Good luck!

Hopefully, this article helped you learn a lot more about CBD. If you have questions or want to share your experiences using CBD, share them in the comments section below!

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