I Didn’t Realize I Married My Best Friend 18 Years Ago

rog and I marriage-image

I Didn’t Realize I Married My Best Friend 18 Years Ago

18 years ago I got remarried to my now husband Roger. We met in December of 1994 through a mutual friend ( I didn’t realize then;  that I would eventually become Becky Willis).  We started dating end of January 1995 and were married by September 1995. I think people thought I was a bit crazy to jump into a new marriage after being newly divorced with 2 small little boys.

Looking back 18 years ago, it seems so long ago-although we were both in our mid 20’s, we hardly knew each other. We knew the important things; that he had been in the Army for the past almost 8 years. He had been to Germany, Louisiana and back to Germany. He had never been married, was the baby from a rather large family and wanted to be with ME.  He treated my boys, then 3 years and 8 months ago as his own. When Ethan was sick, Rog stayed up all night helping me bathe him, change his crib sheets. When Aaron started his first day of headstart, Rog was there to put him on the bus. I couldn’t ask for a better man to help me with my kids.  He knew I had been married before (obviously from the 2 little boys he was helping me with). I was from a loving family also, (just not as big as his lol). I had been married for almost 5 years and just wanted someone to love me and help me raise my 2 boys.

It isn’t a secret that we have had our ups and downs. Through the years I have found that time and time again; he has proven to be my best friend. We laugh together, get mad together and we cry together. (me more than him). He supports me when I am in doubt of myself, and still says I am the only girl for him. He has loved me at my best, and at my worst.  I have to admit I don’t always get his humor-but when I do? I can laugh until tears come down my face and my stomach hurts.  I feel lucky that Roger picked me to be his wife, and I am thankful that God knew exactly who I was meant to be with. I love Roger now more than I did 18 years ago, and although at times I felt guilty about that…I now know that is how it was supposed to be in order for me to fall completely in love with him.

I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together, to watch our kids as they all 3 enter into their adulthood. Our oldest is now 22 and in the USMC, our middle son is now 19 and attending SUNY Alfred, and our youngest is now 17 and in her Senior year with plans to go onto college next fall. We now have a daughter-in-law and almost 3 year old granddaughter, and I feel so blessed to be sharing this all with my best friend!

our kids image
Left to Right: Ethan, Abbey, Sarah, Aaron & Emma

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

 Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

See Also

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

roger and i imageHappy 18th Anniversary to my one, my only, my best friend, my soft place to land and yet my rock. Thank you for the past 18 years of  our crazy life. For making me laugh, holding me when I cry and loving me unconditionally. You are my best friend and I look forward to many, many more years together. This road we travel hasn’t been the easiest, but I am thankful and glad it has been traveled with you!

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