What to Do If Your Boss is Underpaying You

It’s no secret that the cost of living has increased over the years. It doesn’t help that many people earn less than a few years ago. This means they have to work more and save more for their retirement.

If you’re working for someone and they don’t pay you a fair salary, what should you do? Sometimes they just don’t pay their employees enough, and other times they are aware of how much they are paying but still refuse to change.

This article will teach you what to do if you feel like your boss is underpaying you.

Ask for a Raise

If you feel like your boss is not paying you enough, the first thing you should do is go to your boss and ask them if they will pay you more. If this has been happening for a while, it might be good to discuss how long it’s been going on and why it has.

Be sure to bring your numbers with you so that they can see exactly how much more money they would need to pay you to be making what other people at the same level are making. This will help you get your dues paid commensurate to your work.

Put It in Writing

Just because you’ve asked for a raise doesn’t mean that your boss will automatically give it to you. If they are not offering what you feel is fair, it might be time to ask them to put the raise in writing so that there is no confusion later on down the road.

You don’t have to do this, but if it makes you feel better about yourself and your job, putting it in writing can help things go smoother overall when asking for a raise.

Be Prepared to Leave the Job

The reality is that most people aren’t paid enough. While many companies try to make their workers happy by giving them incentives or bonuses, not all do so when it comes time for a raise.

Many companies just don’t have the money, either, which is why some employees test their luck in applying for other jobs that may offer what they need to take care of their families.

See Also

Most jobs do not pay what is required to make ends meet and take care of yourself and your family. If you aren’t getting the money you deserve, it might be time to find another job.

Get Legal Help

If you feel like you have a possible case against the place you work for, it’s best to make an effort to see a lawyer for a free consultation. You should get legal knowledge and understanding at this point that will lead up to the big decision.

You only have to schedule a legal consultation with HKM lawyers and let them help you get justice.


Working for a boss can be challenging at times. It is even worse when you are underpaid in your position. While you might feel like you’re doing a good job and doing everything that your boss asks, there are times when it becomes clear that your salary is not what it should be.

If you feel under-compensated for your work, it is crucial that you follow the steps outlined above.

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