Preparation for Smile Makeover: What You Need to Know

Nothing is more important than the way your teeth look. They influence your smile. The fact is that your smile says a lot about you as a person. This is why you might feel conscious and shy when your smile has imperfections. The good news is that it is possible to deal with smile defects by opting for a smile makeover. It involves the following measures.

  • Restoration of missing teeth.
  • Correcting an improper bite.
  • Replacement of unattractive dental treatments.
  • Adjustment of a disproportionate or uneven gum line. 
  • Repairing misaligned, decayed, or damaged teeth.

Restorative Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry

According to My Dentist San Franciscoโ€™s website here, when you decide to opt for a complete smile makeover, you get to benefit from both restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. You might think that the procedure is just cosmetic. However, it is more complex than you think. The truth is that a smile makeover leverages cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry to improve the aesthetics of your smile and restore tooth functioning. In certain cases, measures such as recontouring and teeth whitening might be sufficient.

However, in most cases, a combination of restorative and cosmetic measures is necessary. If you are considering getting a smile makeover, here is what you need to know to be prepared.

1. Consider the Type of Experience You Want

One of the most helpful tips that will make it easier for you to prepare for a smile makeover is to consider the type of experience that you want. When you visit the dentist for an initial consultation, whether it is a cosmetic dentist in 90210 or elsewhere, you need to make sure that all of your aspirations are covered. However, it is a good idea to think about the following questions to ensure that you achieve the best dental treatment.

  • What shade would you want your teeth to look? You might want super white teeth or natural teeth. 
  • Suppose your teeth require any variation. It will allow you to get the alignment that you require.
  • What is it about the current smile that you are not happy about?
  • Do you experience functional imperfections? If that is the case, you would need to take care of decayed teeth, missing teeth, and fractured teeth.

2. Ensure Good Oral Hygiene

To prepare for a smile makeover, you have to take good care of your oral hygiene. Having a healthy mouth goes a long way in ensuring that you receive the right treatment. Besides, your teeth would simply react better if they had been taken care of. The cosmetic dental practitioner or the dentist who specializes in veneers Melbourne would offer specific advice on how you can prepare for the treatment. It would include cutting out smoking, avoiding sugary foods and drinks, eliminating alcohol consumption, and brushing your teeth regularly, along with flossing them daily. 

3. Inquire About the Cost

Since a smile makeover involves a variety of procedures such as teeth whitening, tooth bonding, veneers, crowns, and many others, it is important that you ask the dentist about the cost of the smile makeover. It is always better to be prepared by knowing how much you would need to spend on the treatment and if there are any financing options available. Besides, it would ensure that you undergo the procedures that you require for achieving your goals. The dentist will customize the treatment plan based on your needs. Discussing the cost will help you follow a transparent route. 

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4. Familiarise Yourself With the Dentist

Before you undergo a smile makeover, it is important that you become familiar with the dentist. It is best that you know the dentist better to truly open up about your requirements so that you can achieve the results that you desire. Always choose a dentist that makes you feel comfortable and offers a relaxing environment where you have no trouble receiving the treatment.

A reputable dentist would genuinely care about you and treat you in the best way possible. Always inquire about different dentists before committing to one. It will allow you to pick out the best option. Since there are plenty of dentists to choose from, it is wise to get to know the different dentists better. Then, you can proceed with the smile makeover without having to stress about anything.


Once you have gone over the post, you will know how to prepare for a smile makeover. We have covered everything that you need to know so that you can sit back and relax. The treatment will allow you to get that perfect smile. 

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