Play Music in Discord on PC or Mac

If you’re a musician, you may find discord to be a great place to connect with other musicians and discuss music. You can also use Discord to listen to music with friends. In order to do this, you’ll need to have a Discord account and be in a voice channel on a server. Once you’re set up, you can use any music bot to play music in Discord.

There are a few different ways to play music in Discord. You can use a music bot, which is a Discord account that plays music on your behalf. Alternatively, you can use a web-based music player such as Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora. Finally, you can use your own computer to play music through Discord.

Using a Music Bot

If you want to use a music bot, there are many different options available. Some popular music bots include:

ยท Rhythmbot:

ยท Rhythm: https://www.rhythm

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To use a music bot, you’ll first need to add it to your Discord server. You can do this by locating the bot’s invite link and copying it into your Discord client. Once you’ve added the bot, you’ll need to grant it permission to play music. You can do this by opening the bot’s settings and selecting “Music.”

Once the bot has been added and given permission to play music, you can start using it by typing !play followed by the name of the song or artist. For example, if you want to play Katy Perry’s song “Firework,” you would type !play firework. The bot will then start playing the song.

Using a Web-based Music Player

If you want to use a web-based music player, you can do so by adding the URL of the player to your Discord server. To add the URL, open your Discord client and select “Settings.” Then, select “Webhooks” and “Add Webhook.”

In the ” URLs ” field, paste the URL of the web-based music player. For example, if you want to use SoundCloud, you would paste You can also use the “Callback URL” field to specify a different URL for the web-based music player.

Once you’ve added the web-based music player, you can start using it by typing !soundcloud followed by the name of the song or artist. For example, if you want to play Katy Perry’s song “Firework,” you would type !soundcloud firework. The bot will then start playing the song.

Using Your Own Computer

If you want to use your own computer to play music through Discord, you’ll need to download and install some software. We recommend using VB-Cable, which is a free and open-source audio driver. Once you’ve installed VB-Cable, you’ll need to open Discord and select “Settings.” Then, select ” Voice & Video” and ” Audio Output .”

See Also

In the “Output Device” field, select “VB-Audio Virtual Cable.” In the “Input Device” field, select “Mic.” Finally, in the “Volume” field, select “100.” You can then close the Discord settings window.

Next, you’ll need to open your music player of choice and create a new audio output. For example, if you’re using Spotify, you would open Spotify and select “Preferences.” Then, select the “Output” tab and check the box next to “Show Advanced Output Settings.”

In the “Output Device” field, select “VB-Audio Virtual Cable.” In the “Bitrate” field, select “320 kbps.” Finally, click the “Apply” button. You can then close the Spotify window.

Once you’ve set up your music player, you can start playing music in Discord by typing !play followed by the name of the song or artist. For example, if you want to play Katy Perry’s song “Firework,” you would type !play firework. The bot will then start playing the song.


Discord is a great platform for gamers to chat and play games together. However, Discord can also be used for other purposes, such as playing music. If you want to play music in Discord, you can do so using a music bot, a web-based music player, or your own computer. Whichever method you choose, you’ll need to take a few steps to set things up. However, once you’ve done so, playing music in Discord is easy and fun.

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