How You Can Make a Difference in the World This Year

These past few years have been hard on everyone, and many people feel inspired to make a change in the world. But unfortunately, we often tend to put things off, so you may think that it’s too late to make a change this year and that you’ll start next year, but the sooner, the better.

Of course, to do this, you will first need to figure out how exactly you can make a difference in the world. Luckily, this post is here to help.


Many people don’t have the time to go out and volunteer, but you should use what resources you have. So, you might not have a lot of time on your hands, but if you have some extra money in your account, you could always use that to do some good by donating it to a charity.

Even if you can’t donate much, you should still consider donating what you can because every little bit counts and makes a difference. All the small donations can add up to one significant change.

Be sure to donate to a charity that you feel passionate about, such as these legitimate child trafficking organizations to donate to.


As mentioned, making a difference is all about doing what you can, so if you don’t have a lot of money to donate, you can consider volunteering.

There aren’t any rules when it comes to making a difference – you don’t need to volunteer a certain number of hours to be a good person; you should just do what you can.

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There are many things you can do while volunteering. You can clear up nature reserves, volunteer at a pet rescue, or make food for the less fortunate. If you do the last one, be sure to practice proper food hygiene and safety.

Go Green

Small changes add up, so why not implement some habits in your life that end up helping the environment? For example, you can walk to your job instead of driving, you can incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, and you can start recycling; the possibilities are endless.

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You should also start paying more attention to the environmental impact of certain things. For example, cryptocurrencies are making waves, but did you know that negative environmental impacts are associated with them? You don’t need to completely stop using things that harm the environment, but you can start using them less.

Be More Positive

Most people have faced many hardships this last while, so sometimes, the best way of making a difference is to be more positive.

Instead of complaining about what you don’t have, try to be more thankful for what you do have. Compliment people instead of putting them down, and if you see someone struggling, offer to help them. This can be hard if you are a naturally negative person, so you should work on overcoming negative thinking. You don’t need to do anything drastic to make a difference. You may be surprised at what a massive change something as small as a smile or a kind word can make.

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