Make Your Freelance Profile More Attractive With an Introduction Video

Your success as a freelancer largely depends on how well you represent yourself professionally. It serves as your primary exposure to prospective customers. It is an important opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd, for potential customers who may see your profile on freelance websites and as part of your proposals.

It can occasionally be challenging to develop a human connection through written descriptions in the domain of online business. An excellent way to connect with employers seeking brilliance is to have an introductory video for your freelance profile. A video introduction gives a sneak peek at your distinctive qualities and what it will be like to deal with you.

Top clients hire independent contractors who are enthusiastic and passionate about their work. With videos, you may immediately establish a connection that might pave the way for the ideal freelancer-client relationship.

It is advised to make the video brief and direct. Potential clients might learn a lot about you from your profile, so be aware of what they might already know and avoid just repeating or reading what it says.

Given that many freelancers ignore this additional aspect, an introductory video might make you shine and stand out. Making a video need not be complicated or intimidating, as plenty of online video editor is available for your aid. Start with a strong script introducing you, the projects you are interested in working on, and your areas of competence.

9 Steps to Make the Perfect Introductory Video for Your Freelance Profile

To make a pretty good introductory video for your freelance profile, follow these nine steps:

1. Prepare Your Ideas in Advance

A great video requires a terrific narrative. So, your pitch should give the customer an overview of who you are, your goals, your work history, and your primary selling qualities. Then, in no more than 30 seconds, convey these ideas. Before the camera starts recording, ensure you practice speaking correctly and fluently. This would help ensure that your introductory video looks more professional and engaging.

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2. Use a High-Quality Digital Recorder

Try to use a high-quality digital recorder for your video if possible. You can deploy the video mode on a digital camera, cellphone, or webcam on your desktop if you do not have a digital video camera. To get high-quality video, shoot in 1080p or high definition. This would ensure that you create a good quality video for your introduction.

3. Use Good Lighting When Filming

Excellent lighting is one of the most crucial elements to producing an amazing video and a substantial storyline. We recommend that you film inside a room with good lighting coming from the front side.

It is advised to make the video brief and direct. Potential clients might learn a lot about you from your profile, so be aware of what they might already know and avoid just repeating or reading what it says.

Make sure there isn’t much light coming from behind you. Check if the lighting above you is casting shadows on your face. If there are any shadows, a desktop lamp can help. Poor lighting can give the viewer the impression that the work is of low quality. It would also look more professional if you used good lighting when recording your introduction video.

4. Have a Tidy and Calm Background to Improvise

A transparent, uncluttered background will help ensure that the attention is on you rather than the surroundings. Additionally, ensure the environment is silent (no children playing, electric fans running, etc.), as these noises will be picked up by your microphone and make it difficult to watch your video.

Try setting a lamp or something by your side to set the mood without adding clutter, like a table or a plant. This would help make your video look more pleasant and interactive.

5. Position and Frame Your Video Properly

It’s time to frame the video now that your camera, lighting, and background are all set. By positioning the camera, you can appear somewhat off-center in the shot. Although it may seem paradoxical, standing slightly to the left or right of the center will help you draw the viewer’s attention.

Sometimes it takes a few tries to obtain the ideal introduction video before you feel at ease speaking in front of the camera.

Additionally, ensure your face and hand movements are visible while speaking in the video while shooting from the waist up. Use the Rule of Thirds and move slightly out of the center to place your face where the lines meet.

6. Get Ready for Some Action!

Time to prepare before you start recording your video. We advise you to wear business-casual attire. Be genuine as soon as the camera starts recording so potential clients can see who you are and how you can assist them. Also, remember to grin, laugh, and engage with the intended audience properly through your video.

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7. Rewatch Your Video Multiple Times

Sometimes it takes a few tries to obtain the ideal introduction video before you feel at ease speaking in front of the camera. So before sharing your video, make sure the following is valid and applicable for your introduction video as a freelancer:

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  • Have you spoken slowly and clearly?
  • Is there any awkward silence in the video?
  • Is your voice audible in the video?
  • Can you see your face?
  • Is the background transparent—that is, is there any other person or object in the video clip, etc.?
  • Is the recording stable and not shaky if someone else is doing it for you?
  • In the video, did you smile?

You are prepared to proceed to the next step once you have carefully analyzed the answers to these questions and their impact on your introduction video.

8. Submit Your Video to Youtube

This step can be optional if the platform you use as a freelancer does not require you to embed a youtube video in your profile.

Follow these instructions to upload your video on Youtube from a computer:

  • First, if you don’t already have an account, go to YouTube and sign up.
  • Then, in the top right corner of the page, click the ‘Upload”‘ button.
  • Next, from the drop-down option, choose ‘Unlisted.’
  • Then, from your computer, choose the video.

Your video should now be titled ‘Your Full Name’ – Introduction.” Ensure “Allow Embedding” is selected on the “Advanced” options tab. To conclude, click “Done.” Copy the link to your video on the following page.

*Visit YouTube’s help article for details on uploading a video from a smartphone.

9. Publish the Video on Your Freelance Profile

Access your profile settings page. Then, copy and paste the link into the text field after clicking ‘Add a Video’ in the Video section. This process may vary from site to site. Still, generally, you would be able to upload the video to your freelance profile by accessing the editing feature available on the freelance portal.

Note: Some freelance websites and job portals may not require you to embed a youtube video or use a link. For such websites and portals, you may get the option to upload your video for your freelance profile directly. Look for these details on the site you use to upload your video accordingly.


When potential employers hear your voice and see how you speak to the camera, they will feel as though they know you. Therefore, your introductory video should be quick (no more than one minute) and personable while maintaining a professional environment concerning the freelance service you intend to offer.

Hopefully, You will observe the results when you start using an introductory video on freelance websites and job portals. For many creators, an introductory video has proven to be of high significance and value.

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