DreamWorks Pictures’ THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY – Crème Brûlée Recipe Now Available + Win a Trip to France!!!

Bal's Banana

Bal's Banana

DreamWorks Pictures’ THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY – Crème Brûlée Recipe Now Available + Win a Trip to France!!!

make sure you head on over to THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY Facebook page (http://facebook.com/100footjourneymovie ) to enter the #My100FootJourneySweeps for a chance to win a trip for 2 to the south of France!


THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY arrives in theaters everywhere on August 8th!


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THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY arrives in theaters everywhere on August 8th!

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Genre:                                      Comedy/Drama

Rating:                                      PG

U.S. Release date:                    August 8, 2014

Running time:                            122 minutes


Cast:                                        Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, Charlotte Le Bon

Director:                                   Lasse Hallström

See Also
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Producers:                                Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Juliet Blake

Executive Producers:                 Caroline Hewitt, Carla Gardini, Jeff Skoll, Jonathan King

Screenplay by:                          Steven Knight

Based upon:                             The novel “The Hundred-Foot Journey” by Richard C. Morais

In “The Hundred-Foot Journey,” Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal) is a culinary ingénue with the gastronomic equivalent of perfect pitch. Displaced from their native India, the Kadam family, led by Papa (Om Puri), settles in the quaint village of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val in the south of France. Filled with charm, it is both picturesque and elegant – the ideal place to settle down and open an Indian restaurant, Maison Mumbai. That is, until the chilly chef proprietress of Le Saule Pleureur, a Michelin-starred, classical French restaurant run by Madame Mallory (Academy Award®-winner Helen Mirren) gets wind of it. Her icy protests against the new Indian restaurant a hundred feet from her own escalate into a heated battle between the two establishments until Hassan’s passion for French haute cuisine — and for Madame Mallory’s enchanting sous chef, Marguerite (Charlotte Le Bon) — combine with his mysteriously-delicious talent to weave magic between their two cultures and imbue Saint-Antonin with the flavors of life that even Madame Mallory cannot ignore. At first Madame Mallory’s culinary rival, she eventually recognizes Hassan’s gift as a chef and takes him under her wing.


“The Hundred-Foot Journey” abounds with flavors that burst across the tongue. A stimulating triumph over exile, blossoming with passion and heart, it is a portrayal of two worlds colliding and one young man’s drive to find the comfort of home, in every pot, wherever he may be.




In DreamWorks Pictures’ “The Hundred-Foot Journey,” the opening of a new Indian restaurant in the south of France next to a famous Michelin-starred eatery is nearly cause for a heated battle between the two establishments, until Le Saule Pleureur’s icy proprietress, Madame Mallory, recognizes her rival’s undeniable brilliance for preparing masterful meals.

Spice Things UP this summer


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