Clearing the Chaos: How to Tackle a Massive Home Declutter


Planning and undertaking a massive cleaning overhaul can be intimidating. You’re changing your routine, turning your living space inside out, and doing a lot of manual labor. However, it does come with rewards; you’ll notice a significant improvement in your physical and mental health. With any big project, you’ll first want to prepare using smart cleaning techniques. You’ll need to know the most effective strategies for removing junk and keeping your space clean afterward.

Create a Schedule

Unfortunately, a major, room-by-room decluttering can’t happen in a single afternoon or weekend. Trying to cram all the cleaning into a short session can be overwhelming and cause burnout. Instead, create a schedule that works with your existing one efficiently. Dedicate an hour or two daily or per weekend to tackle your cleaning. You don’t want to be too casual and lax with cleaning, but you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Ensure you factor in your usual priorities, such as work or raising your kids.

Tackle One Room at a Time

It may be tempting to haul out all of your junk and place it in the living room for sorting, but if you don’t have time to finish, you’ll be frustrated and likely overwhelmed. Choose a single room first. If you’re nervous about starting, you can choose a room you don’t live in, such as the guest bedroom or laundry room. Alternatively, if you’re excited to have a living space again, work on significant rooms first, such as your bedroom or living room. Work through the house room by room, so the work and change are gradual.

Start Simple

Your eyes may focus on the large clutter, but you’ll want to start with the easily removable items first. Take care of the items on top of the clutter pile. Start with the simple items to sort. By starting simple, you’ll be able to clean faster and reduce the intimidation of the clutter pile before tackling the oversized items. One of the easiest methods is to get rid of trash first; trash is usually easily accessible and only requires sorting into trash or recycling bins.

Take Breaks

Cleaning is hard work, physically and mentally. Don’t try to do it all at once. Take a break to catch your breath, drink water, and have a snack.


Working on an empty stomach can be tiring. You can even plan breaks into your schedule. After an hour or two of work, prepare for a 15 to 30-minute break. It may not seem necessary, but it will make the process less overwhelming.

Let Go of What You Don’t Use

Reducing clutter isn’t just removing trash. You’ll want to figure out what non-trash items you want to keep and let go of. If you haven’t used something in years (or ever), consider throwing it away, re-gifting it, or donating it. It can be challenging to let go of items you’ve owned for years, but placing them in someone else’s hands may be best if it doesn’t serve a purpose.

Flat Surfaces

Another valuable technique for major decluttering is to assess your flat surfaces and focus on cleaning those first. Tables, coffee tables, trays, furniture surfaces, and countertops can all handle a lot of clutter as they’re the most accessible areas to place items. Once you organize and sort through the items on flat surfaces, you’ll only have items on the floor left to deal with.

Have Cleaning Supplies On Hand

Uncovering clutter will also likely reveal dirt, dust, and debris, especially if you have pets. If you don’t have cleaning supplies, you must abandon your cleaning routine and head to the store. Ensure you already have cleaning supplies like disinfectants, sponges, erasers, and dusters. Once the clutter is removed from an area, you’ll likely want to clean it up.

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Prepare for Junk Removal

You’ll have many items to throw away with any massive cleaning or overhaul. Outside of trash bags, you’ll likely have old furniture or oversized items you no longer need.


You’ll need the space to dispose of these items without cluttering your yard. Renting a dumpster is perfect for these needs. You can even utilize trash hoppers for smaller loads or to simplify dumpster loading, as many hoppers are self-dumping. (I found some self-dumping hoppers near me that made the junk removal process much more manageable.)

Pest Control

Unfortunately, pests like roaches, rats, or spiders love clutter and mess. You may find some bug issues or a critter; this is normal! You’ll need to prepare for pest control with some supplies, like bug removal spray. If the problem is severe, you may want to contact a pest control service for professional assistance or advice.

Change Your Routine

Once you’ve successfully decluttered your home, you’ll likely want to consider changing your routine. Your daily habits contribute to this clutter, so if your routine doesn’t change, the clutter can pile up again. Adopt a regular cleaning schedule. Choose designated spots for all of your items. Throw away all the trash you have before it piles up. If you don’t have enough room for your items, consider downsizing your belongings or increasing your storage space. You don’t have to change your lifestyle completely, but a healthier cleaning routine can help you avoid considerable stress in the long run.

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