MS Madness by Yvonne deSousa Assessment

MS Madness Review

MS Madness Review

MS Madness by Yvonne deSousa Assessment

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“A Giggle More, Cry Less” is exactly what this book brought to the table. ย In Yvonne deSousa’s account of her ups and downs dealing withย multiple sclerosis, her outlook was one of humor through a difficult transition.

Although Yvonne holds nothing back, and she allows you to laugh along with her. While realizing what her undiagnosed symptoms finally meant after many years of struggling; she allows you to be a part of her life and her new experiences.

Yvonne was able to convey how some people view someone who is struggling through a debilitating illness. ย If she hid it people didn’t help. ย If she told them, they would tell her “don’t play the MS card”. ย  Her struggles are real, not just in her mind. ย I was able to relate to her and felt like I was right with her dealing with all she had to go through. ย When an author makes you feel like you are in the story; you know they have written in a way that makes you want to help them in their fight.

Excessive sleeping, depression, and all of the other battles that come along with MS, Yvonne shows you how she dealt with it with her humor and drive. ย When most people would have given in; Yvonne triumphs and shows you that there is life with MS.

Whether you are dealing with aย debilitating illness or going through a tough time in your life; Yvonne will help you remember that things could be worse. ย Even on her worst day; she moves ahead and shows you that not even MS will stop her, even if it takes her a few times to do so.

I enjoyed this book and am Thankful that Yvonne allowed us to take a peek into her life.

Author Bio

yvonneYvonne deSousa has worked as a street sweeper, a shell seller, a babysitter, a candy peddler, and a guest house manager, all before the age of sixteen. Later on she worked as a waitress, sales clerk, library assistant, victimโ€™s advocate, and at the front desk of a doctorโ€™s

Two years before Yvonneโ€™s diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, a relative volunteered her to write an article for a local newspaper. Little did she know it was the beginning of a writing career. When MS threatened to turn her into a lunatic, she started writing more frequently and quickly discovered that writing about the insanity that is MS was helping to keep her sane.

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Her work has appeared on, and in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding My Faith and Something On Our Minds, Volumes 1 and 2. Yvonne also writes a weekly blog onย www.yvonnedesousa.comย the website that uses a giggle stick to beat up on MS. Since finishing MS Madness! A โ€œGiggle More, Cry Lessโ€ Story of Multiple Sclerosis, she has started presenting programs designed to help others use humor to help cope with chronic illness.

Yvonne enjoys writing, laughing, and resting. She lives by her personal mottos, โ€œhow you deal affects how you feelโ€ and โ€œmy MS is not your MS and your MS is weird!โ€

Contact her at [email protected]

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