What Do Bonus Scenes, Sarah Hyland and 10/7 Have in Common?

Group photo with Sarah Hyland

sleeping beauty box art image

**Disney provided me with a full expense paid trip to Los Angeles for the #VeryBadDayEvent, #SleepingBeauty #DisneyInHomeEvent in exchange for my review of the events of the trip.  No other compensation is given. The opinions  in my posts are 100% mine.**

What Do Bonus Scenes, Sarah Hyland and 10/7 Have in Common?

The answer to that question is: SLEEPING BEAUTY!! The Sleeping Beauty Diamond Edition comes out today October 7, 2014. Included in the release with awesome bonus content.

Fantasy Parade Sneak Peek


While we were in LA, during our visit to Walt Disney’s House we had the pleasure of interviewing Sarah Hyland (Haley on Modern Family) and learned how she came to be featured in one of the bonus content scenes on the newly released Sleeping Beauty.

During the interview we learned that Sarah was asked to audition for the part in the Fantasy Parade short,  included in the Sleeping Beauty bonus section.  When Sarah came to audition they asked what made this something she would love to do. Her answer was she had always loved Disney. She doesn’t have a ‘favorite Princess’, but rather has many that she likes for different reasons.


Artist in Motion Britney Lee/strong>

Britney Lee is a very talented artist which is shown in this bonus clip on the Diamond Edition of Sleeping Beauty. You can watch this clip and see it in its entirety once you purchase your copy.


Andreas Inspiration


Art of Maleficent


Alternate Scene – ‘Arrival of Maleficent’

See Also
jadwal film bioskop medan hari ini


The Fair – Deleted Scene


History on Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty originally hit the screens on January 29, 1959; brought to the theater by Walt Disney. Celebrating its 55th  year since its original screen debut, the love of Sleeping Beauty remains.  Just in the event you have not watched Sleeping Beauty the brief synopsis of the movie is below.

The story of Princess Aurora, who is cursed by the evil fairy Maleficent to die at the age of 16 by pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. Despite the attempts of the three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, the curse is fulfilled. The good fairies put everyone in the castle into a deep sleep until the spell can be broken. It is with the aid of Prince Phillip that Maleficent, transformed into a fire-breathing dragon, is destroyed, and the Sleeping Beauty is awakened by a kiss.

Now out of the vault, you can purchase Sleeping Beauty online or in your favorite store that carries your favorite movies. Get your copy today, and enjoy the magic with your family.

Group photo with Sarah Hyland
Photo Courtesy of Louse Bishop
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