A Beginner’s Guide to Investing

Investing is something that everyone must do to secure their financial future. In today’s market, the viability of bonds, savings account interest rates, and other security-minded savings strategies just won’t cut it. The deficit caused in consumer buying power by the rising cost of inflation has secured investments as the only way to truly arrive at retirement or the funding for a large purchase that you’ve been planning for many years (perhaps a new car or home).

Lock in great research habits early in your investment journey.

But investing in the right things for your needs can be challenging for someone new to this landscape of additional savings products. Finding stocks, commodities, and other assets that fit in with the risk tolerance and goals that are unique to your situation takes time and energy. For this reason, many investors spend a considerable amount of time reading up on new opportunities to jump on any new asset that presents itself as a great deal. With the help of investment apps, taking these learning experiences on the road with you wherever you go can help you stay on top of all the latest information and data while keeping tabs on your portfolio whenever you need to. Searching for “investment apps Canada” is a great way to get started here.

Investment research isn’t just limited to information about particular companies or asset classes. Everything that goes on in the world around us plays a role in price momentum. Changes in stock pricing can happen at a moment’s notice resulting from seemingly innocuous changes in the environment, political spectrum, or supply chain. The Suez Canal blockage last year is a great example of an unforeseen event that drives global financial consequences for months into the future. While the shipping lane was cleared in a matter of days, the impact of this stoppage of international traffic reverberated throughout the world for months on end.

Find assets that meet your moral and financial standards.

Not every company will be a good investment opportunity for you. Many people shied away from Boeing after the Max 8 crashes, not just because of the sinking stock price but also because of the corporate response to the series of catastrophes. Finding great investment opportunities is about more than just the share price and market outlook of any corporate entity.

A company like Alamos Gold is an excellent example of a social and environmental mover that could strike it big in your portfolio. Alamos Gold Inc. (NYSE: AGI) is a Canadian multinational mining firm with a large footprint in North America and the Republic of Turkey. With three operational mines in Sonora, Mexico (the Mulatos Mine) and Northern Ontario (Young-Davidson and Island Gold Mines) and several other exciting projects in the works in the Republic of Turkey and North America (including the United States), Alamos is poised for great things in the coming months and years.

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In addition to the versatile gold mining operations that Alamos Gold engages in, Alamos is at the forefront of the transition of gold miners everywhere. From pollutant to environmental conservationists, the gold mining industry is involved in an about-face that is led by the likes of Alamos. In addition to eliminating cyanide and other heavy chemical use in its facilities, Alamos Gold has begun work on new energy projects cutting out the old diesel-powered generators that have traditionally run mines in favor of cleaner energy sources that don’t require the same input of fuel.

With these features of a great portfolio in mind, you can start making great decisions about your financial future with clarity and ease.

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