A New Journey: Sustainable Disposal Methods for Junk RVs


More and more people are becoming much more aware of the environment and what we can do as individuals to help protect the planet. From recycling to supporting green companies, this growing trend is good for everyone. Some owners of junk RVs want to do their part as well and want to ensure that when their motorhome is on its last legs, it doesn’t end up in a landfill or a junk pile.

Conscientious recreational vehicle owners in the Old Dominion State can get cash for junk motorhome in Virginia while ensuring it doesn’t end up in the trash heap. Responsible RV ownership includes disposing of it in a sustainable and environmentally healthy way.

Effective Methods for Sustainable Disposal of Junk RVs

It’s always the right thing to do when you want to ensure that we leave our planet in a better state than it is now. Many companies are going green not only because it gives them a better social image but also because they can increase profits by being environmentally conscious. The same could be said on a much smaller level for owners of old RVs who are concerned about the footprint that their unusable rig could leave on the planet. Here are a few ideas on how to sustainably dispose of yours.

Scrap It Yourself

If you’ve owned an RV for years, long enough for it to have reached the unfortunate title of junk, chances are you’re good with your hands. Keeping RVs running and operable can quickly become a hole in the wallet if you aren’t handy, so you’ve probably gotten good at fixing, repairing, and remodeling your rig.


Why not remove everything from it that can be either sold as scrap metal or sold as a working component and make some money while doing your part to help the environment? RV appliances aren’t cheap, and if yours are still in working order, clean them up and post them online for sale. You can sell just about every part of your RV individually, and there’s a good chance there’s someone who needs exactly what you have.

Gift It to the Needy

If your RV needs a costly repair to get it running and roadworthy, but the cost doesn’t justify the rig’s value, why not gift it to someone less fortunate than you? There are several non-profit organizations that help to house the homeless. Your RV, despite it not being roadworthy, can house a homeless family or veteran who’s fallen on hard times.

This can be done by donating your junk RV to one of the many charities that accept RVs, motorhomes, and campers. It will save it from hitting the scrap heap while increasing your good karma points exponentially.

Sell It to a Specialized RV Dealership

A great way to dispose of your junk RV or trailer is to sell it to a specialized junk recreational vehicle dealer, like RV Wheelator. They buy all types of RVs regardless of their mileage, age, or condition. Running or not, they’ll offer you more money than your local scrapyard and will come to you and haul it away. Most offer top dollar, even for run-down rigs, and will pay you by check or with your favorite cash app. Selling your junk RV by this method is not only sustainable, but it’s profitable, too.

There’s no shame in selling your dilapidated RV to a specialized dealership. No one has ever said that you can do what’s right for the planet and be paid at the same time. Selling to a dealer like this ensures that it won’t wind up in a landfill or worse.

See Also

Try Selling It as a DIY Project

With the current fascination with tiny houses, your old rig could provide the right DIY project for someone looking to live off the grid.


When presented in this manner, you’re no longer selling an RV that’s no longer roadworthy; you’re selling the guts of what could potentially be an adventurer’s dream tiny house. Anything that keeps your rusty old rig from polluting the planet is the right thing to do.

Sustainable Disposal Methods for Junk RVs Explained

It should be every old RV owner’s priority to make sure that when it’s outlived its usefulness, it either gets recycled or repurposed. These old wrecks have a lot of components that still have a use or can be used for different purposes. We owe it to ourselves to do everything we can to reduce the footprint of an RV once it’s reached the status of junk, but one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

Selling your junk rig to a specialized dealer can kill two birds with one stone. First, they’ll ensure that it doesn’t end up in a landfill, and secondly, you’ll earn a little money for doing the right thing.

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