How To Adapt Your Elderly Parent’s Home

How To Adapt Your Elderly Parent’s Home

When your parents get older, they start to lose their ability to get around as easily and to hear and see certain things. This is why you should think about adapting their home to make it easier for them to live in for longer. In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how you can do this. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more.

Get A Stairlift

If your elderly parent lives in a two-story house, you should think about investing in a stairlift for them. This is especially important if the rooms that they need to access are upstairs as they won’t be able to get there very easily as they get older. Take a look online at stairlifts and see if you can get any sort of government funding for one for your elderly parent.

Adapt Their Bathrooms

For elderly people, slippery bathrooms can be a real issue and they can fall quite easily if you don’t take precautions. This is why you should think about adapting your parent’s bathroom to ensure that they are safe when they are using the toilet or the shower. The article “simple tips for ease of bathing” by Premier Bathrooms talks about how a walk-in shower might be a good idea for those who are not as mobile as they used to be.

Add An Intercom

Many people worry about the sorts of people that their elderly parents might let in the door without realizing so if you want to take a precaution with this then you should think about adding an intercom. You won’t want to have to make your parent get up and down every time the doorbell rings so think about getting an entry system that they can use from their chairs. There are many of these and they can really come in handy.

Install More Lighting

As your sight begins to get worse, it becomes harder to see objects in the dark. This is why you should think about getting some more lighting installed in the home of your elderly parent. Motion-sensor lights are great for this as they won’t require your parent to turn them on and off when they need to use them. Make sure you add some lighting to the home of your elderly parent if you want to make living in their home easier.

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Add Raisers

Our final tip for those who want to adapt their elderly parent’s home is to add some raisers to things. As you get older, your ability to get in and out of bed starts to dwindle as well as your ability to get up and down in a chair. This is where raisers come in as they make these things taller, so you won’t have as much trouble getting up. You’ll find plenty of raisers for different objects so make sure to get some for your elderly parent’s home.

Final Verdict

If you have an elderly parent, then you should try to help them out as much as possible they are going to find it very difficult to move around their home. Think about adapting their bathroom to ensure that they can get in and out of their bath and add some handrails to help them with using the toilet. You should also add some extra lighting to reduce the risk of them tripping over things that are on the floor. If you can make some of these changes, you will make their life a lot easier in their old age.

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