Anxiety Issues? 6 Ways to Get Help

Anxiety disorders have taken over the lives of millions of Americans. It only seems like more people are getting diagnosed these days. Some of us have experienced problems in this area, while others have loved ones who are fighting this battle. It is something that we are all familiar with, having experienced it at one point or another. It feels like your world is closing in on you, and when it is close to bedtime, it gets worse because that feeling of being terrified is magnified by the fact that you are about to go to sleep and not wake up for many hours.

The feeling of unrest will be there for eight hours if things do not change, but there is always hope to change that. If you or someone you know is wrestling with anxiety issues, it can be helpful to know that there are things you can do to help yourself out of that headspace.

Seek Professional Help 

Whatever your reason is for seeking treatment for anxiety and stress, you need to ensure that the therapist has an in-depth knowledge of various techniques that are used in treating such problems. A therapist will make sure that all bases are covered and all angles have been considered to successfully combat any forms of anxiety that might be present in your life. These days there are many platforms, like Serenity at Summit, available that provide professional mental health services varying from addiction to anxiety and depression and so forth.

Vent Out 

Whether it is a friend, a family member, or a professional counsellor, venting is an effective way to relieve anxiety and stress. When you are feeling anxious and depressed, it is easy to feel that no one else in the world is having the same problems as you. This perspective can cause you to feel isolated and alone. But in reality, everyone deals with issues at some point in their lives.

The fact that you are feeling stressed or worried does not make you abnormal. It just means that you are human. Discounting your feelings or isolating yourself from other people is not going to help. Instead, find someone who will listen to what you have to say. 

Breathing Exercises 

Breathing exercises can help relieve anxiety. Several breathing techniques may help reduce anxiety levels when used regularly. Deep breathing is an effective technique that helps calm the body and mind. It involves breathing in a slow, deep pattern and retaining the breath for several seconds before exhaling slowly through the mouth. This type of breathing causes your lungs to take in more oxygen than normal and helps relax tense muscles, relieve stress, and lower blood pressure.

Make a Habit of Journaling 

Journaling helps a person to work through their thoughts and emotions. It can also be used to set goals and reach them. By writing down your fears and problems, you can see them more clearly and decide how to handle them. The first thing you need is a place where you can write in private. If you are at home, go into another room with just a comfortable chair and a pen or pencil. Make sure no one will disturb you for about thirty minutes. When journaling for anxiety issues, try to write by hand, but if writing does not come easy to you, use a computer. Let your mind flow freely without worrying about grammar or spelling when journaling. Do not worry about what anyone else would think about your journal entry; it is just for you!ย 

The point of journaling is to get everything out of your head so that you can make room for new thoughts, ideas, and ways of thinking. It is not a place to store things permanently. That being said, some people do find it helpful to keep a daily journal to track the ups and downs of their days.

Focus on What is Going Well 

Sometimes when people with anxiety feel overwhelmed by their thoughts, it is helpful to take a step back and think about what is going on. Anxiety is often characterized by negative, catastrophic thinking. But if you look closely at your day, you may be surprised by the little things that have gone well. Trying to focus on the positive can shift your perspective and help you see that you are doing better than you might think. 

See Also

Recall something good that happened every night before bed. This will help you get in the habit of looking for the positive and make it easier to spot small successes throughout the day. 

Let Go of Perfectionism 

Trying to be perfect is the enemy of progress. If you find yourself thinking, “I need to get this done perfectly or not at all,” then you are letting your anxiety win from the start. Perfectionism can be a real impediment to getting help for anxiety issues. It can lead to procrastination and many other self-destructive behaviours.

It is time to let go of your obsession with perfectionism, so you can take action, get things done, and move forward in life. Accept that it is okay not to be perfect and learn to ask for help when needed. We often set high standards for ourselves, and we want to do everything right. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and ask for help when you need it. Instead of trying to be perfect in every area of your life, focus on being good enough in each area. 

There are a lot of outside forces that contribute to anxiety. Whether or not you have struggled with anxiety before, it can cause a great deal of unhappiness in our lives, but the one thing that is in your control is your response to those external forces. The more you learn about them, and the more you know how to manage them, the better off you will be. There is no shame in seeking help for anxiety issues and no need for you to suffer alone. Consider the options above to get the assistance you need.

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