We are All Bad Moms Sometimes and It’s Ok with Mila Kunis | Kathryn Hahn

Kathryn Hahn and Mila Kunis

Disclosure: I was sent to LA to attend the Bad Moms Junket Event all expenses paid in order to cover their event with other bloggers (Thank you STX Entertainment). ย All opinions are 100% my own. I appreciate Mom Does Reviews for sending me to cover her event (the KuboEvent) which allowed me to cover this one.

Honestly, it is ok for us to be Bad Moms at some point in our lives. ย None of us our immune, it is just the point of letting ourselves believe that it is ok.

While I was in LA for the Bad Moms Event I had the honor of interviewing some of the best Moms. ย They juggle their careers with raising their kids they also admit they have good and bad Mom moments.

We interviewedย Mila Kunis and Kathryn Hahn who were both so real. It felt like we were just a bunch of girlfriends hanging out and talking. Mila plays Amy Mitchell who is the “fed up Mom” and Kathryn plays Carla the “single Mom”ย in Bad Moms. They were so much fun to listen to and were very down to earth.

BadMoms-Mila Kunis

What I Learned about Mila Kunis:

  • She reads blogs. I am not sure why that surprised me but it did.
  • In real life, let’s just all relax for one second and be nice to one another.
  • The truest form of love is unconditional love. ย “The truest, truest, truest, most honest, like, guttural, reaction of love she doesn’t think she ever knew until she had a child.
  • One bad Mom moment that she shared with us was the time she took Wyatt to go see her husband and she looked back and saw she hadn’t secured her in her car seat. Then she freaked out. But later she realized it could happen to anyone.
  • Subscribing to guilt is one of the toughest things Mila deals with when it comes to her daughter. Not always being there at night to tuck her into bed or not being there when she wakes up when she works a 17 hour day.
  • If she could go back to prior to being a parent, Mila would apologize to her Mom for always thinking they were against her, when in fact,ย her parents have always loved her unconditionally. They would do anything for her and now she sees that since having her own child.
  • Her favorite character in Bad Moms? Carla. ย What she loved most was that Carla was so much different than herself and that was fun to watch.

BadMoms-Kathryn Hahn

What I learned about Kathryn Hahn:

  • Kathryn shed light on how we all need to come together as Moms.
  • Instead of trying to do it all by ourselves we should remember we don’t have to do it all on our own. ย Not so much doing everything for one another but to remember that we all have our things and we should be sensitive to each other.
  • Kathryn’s bad Mom moment she says was when her son was like 6 months old and he kept crying and she couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. So she went to change his diaper and somehow one of her hairs had wrapped itself around his “nuts” (as she referred to them). ย She felt so bad like she had almost castrated him and didn’t even realize it.
  • Kathryn never understood what people meant when they said to “enjoy” the time that your kids are little. ย Now that her kids are 9 and 6 years old she totally gets it. ย Like where did all of that time go?
  • Although she hates having to be away from her kids, it is the norm for her kids. ย So she just owns it and doesn’t put any weirdness on it, so then the kids do not know life to be any different.
  • Biggest regret before becoming a parent? To not worry about the nonsense and the small things.

Kathryn Hahn & Mila Kunis-Bad Mom Press Junket

As you can see even actors experience the same struggles and feelings that we do. ย We sometimes hold them up to a higher standard and forget they too are just people. ย They take each day one at a time and do the best that we can do.

The story more or less is we aren’t alone. ย Life happens and we just have to lean on others when we have that “I want to run away” feeling. If I learned anything during this interview is that I am too tough on myself and have many ‘guilty’ subscriptions. ย My kids are all adults now and yet I look back and think about why I took their younger years for granted? Why didn’t I take more time to just live in the moment instead of worrying about the next phase? It feels good to know that I am not alone in this big world of parenthood.

Ticketing Link:

Bad Moms celebratesย โ€œBad Motherโ€™s Dayโ€ on July 29ย โ€“ย the Motherโ€™s Day you really want and deserve!ย Get tickets now:ย http://www.badmomstickets.com/.

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BAD MOMS โ€“ In Theaters July 29

In this new comedy from the grateful husbands and devoted fathers who wrote The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life – a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However, she’s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that she’s about to snap.

Fed up, she joins forces with two other over-stressed moms on a quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities โ€“ going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of long overdue freedom, fun, and self-indulgence โ€“ putting them on a collision course with PTA Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms.ย 

Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Jay Hernandez, Clark Duke, Annie Mumolo, with Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate

Studio: STX Entertainment

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Genre: Comedy

Writers/Directors: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore

Producers: Suzanne Todd, Bill Block

Bad Mom's Poster

To Download the above poster full size you can download here:ย Bad Moms Poster Full.

To read my other Bad Mom Reviews you can click below:

Susan Todd, Jon Lucas and Scott Moore

Christina Applegate &Annie Mumolo Interview



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