Black Friday with

mywishlist image

mywishlist image

Black Friday with

This What U Talking About Willis? post is a Fashionista Event. I was provided a promotional item by to inform you of their crazy insane Black Friday Sales, their top 10 gifts giveaway and our $500 giveaway.

Black Friday Shopping Online or in Stores

With Black Friday happening the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday Sales are going to be in stores both online and offline. Where would you rather shop? After going for the past few years for Black Friday ( I normally just go to spend time with my sister and mom), I am staying home this year. ย I have to admit, the thought of shopping online is very appealing instead of fighting the crowds, and ย watching people argue over the latest hot item of the season.

This year you can not only shop online from home,ย shopping for holiday items will be great to do on Black Friday because has a Black Friday Salesย page with great discounts.

While making my wish list, I can’t say it is all doable, but these are some of the things I would LOVE to find under the tree.

My Wish List

  • A new stove-our oven no longer works and its making my holiday baking season a tough one.
  • New muffin pans, mine look like they are from the 1950’s as tarnished and over used as they look.
  • New cookie sheets, for some reason someone felt it was good to cook clams over an open fire with mine.
  • New jeans; at this point I only have 1 pair that is going-out-of-the-house-worthy, need I say more?
  • New boots for the winter snow- at this point I only have sneakers.
  • A new laptop would be awesome; one with more space, and a larger screen; although it is not a ‘must have’ it would be great.
  • A new flat screen TV, can you believe we do not own one flat screen in our whole house? and as it is we have to smack our living room one as the picture sometimes looks like a flat line on a heart monitor.
  • Toys for our granddaughter, and gifts for our kids, and family members.
  • A money tree- ok that is really far fetched but I have to admit it would make all the other things more of a wish come true list. logo image is also hosting a Black Friday Sweepstakes

This is where they are giving away 10 of the must-have holiday gifts.

See Also
Partners giveaway logo

Black Friday sweepstakes starts Nov. 20 and ends Nov. 29.

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