Can bad teeth affect your college grades?

It is believed that having bad teeth can affect your college grades in several ways. As superficial as it is, most people will likely not want to be around you if you have bad breath, and unfortunately, this could impact your social life. If you are shy, this forced isolation could lead to depression or anxiety, not to mention insecurity from being judged because of your teeth. All of this can impact your school work, and if you neglect your dental hygiene and do not consume enough nutrition, you can experience trouble focusing on studying. Dental problems can also cause physical pain in some people, impacting your concentration when trying to do schoolwork. If you are struggling with oral hygiene, here are some reasons why taking care of your teeth is vital and how poor oral hygiene can hurt your grades.

The link between dental health and college grades 

Recently, a study was conducted by the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, and the study revealed a link between bad oral hygiene and poor performance in school. The study was conducted on 1,500 children from a financially disadvantaged background. The study showed that children who have cavities are more inclined to have school attendance and grades issues. Furthermore, the study revealed that children who experienced tooth pain are four times more likely to produce a lower grade average than students who do not experience dental issues. Apart from grades, it is revealed that problems with oral hygiene somehow also contribute to more absences from school, with children who have dental problems missing upward of 3 more days of school than the students without dental issues. 

This study has led many to believe that good oral hygiene boosts self-esteem and positively impacts school grades and attendance. Researchers recommend that oral health programs become an essential part of the learning system in schools. Parents are advised to check if their childrenโ€™s school incorporates education about oral hygiene in the curriculum. Parents also need to stress the importance of good hygiene as well as the dangers of lousy hygiene because more research reveals shocking information linking poor dental health to infectious diseases as well as immune system problems. Parents need to teach their children the importance of cleaning their teeth properly, and children should have frequent visits to a dentist or orthodontist. You mustnโ€™t wait for an emergency to happen to go to the dentist, but if it does, seek help at Edmonton Emergency Dentists, a clinic that provides emergency dental care.

Why it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene habits at a young age

Oral health is one of the critical components of general health, and a healthy mouth saves people from potential diseases, discomfort, or even embarrassment. The aspects of good oral health include:

? Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time.

? Daily flossing.

? Mouthwash to remove stubborn food particles that remain after youโ€™ve brushed and flossed.

? A healthy diet with a limited intake of sugar.

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? Replace toothbrushes every 3-4 months or whenever the bristles become worn.

? Visit a dentist regularly for a check-up and cleaning.

Proper oral care from a young age will have a significant impact. Someone who takes care of their oral health will have the confidence to smile and communicate confidently. You lower your risk of developing health problems that researchers believe are linked to poor oral hygiene, such as cardiovascular disease and even diabetes. As weโ€™ve touched on earlier, good oral hygiene also impacts your academics positively. This is why it is essential to become familiar with oral hygiene from a young age because then it becomes a lifestyle and a norm.

How to take care of your teeth 

As a college student, brush your teeth twice daily, floss, use mouthwash, each a healthier diet, and try to limit your intake of coffee, certain teas, and wine because these substances stain teeth enamel. You should also avoid consuming acidic sodas and high in sugar which is bad for your teeth. It is also recommended that you visit a dentist every six months for a check-up and a good clean, ensuring healthy teeth. The dentist office in University of Alberta welcomes patients of all ages and provides gentle treatment, so you will indeed feel comfortable visiting the dentist. 

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