Cricket and Technology: How Modern Inventions and Innovations Help Improve the Game and Umpiring


Technology has been used in sports for many years. Since introducing the first sensors and wireless devices, they have been actively integrated into various sports equipment. Cricket is no exception; it is also on the path of technological modernization. This article will discuss some well-known motion-tracking systems and sensors used in modern sports.

The main function of technology in modern sports

Contemporary sports equipment is more than just sports items; it is also technology-based. The bats or balls may contain special sensors that can capture data about the speed, angle of impact, and force of the hit so that it can be analyzed later. They can be based on working principles such as inertial sensors, magnetometers, gyroscopes, or optical sensors. They must link the source and the desired device or application so that data can be processed and visualized accordingly. This data may be used to diagnose a player’s technical aspects like deciding the right angle of impact, modifying the ball travel path, boosting shot accuracy and power, comparing different shot types, etc.

Although some applications and services, such as the sport betting app 1xbet, do not allow you to track training processes, they can still be included in the list of technologies that have indirectly impacted the development of this sport. This is because such services increase the popularity of cricket as a sport and contribute to increased revenue in this area.

Custom tracking solutions

There are entire systems for ordinary users designed by experts for specific sports. The examples below are not directly related to cricket; however, developments similar to these systems have also long been used in cricket.

Blast Motion

This system of interconnected devices is used to play golf. It consists of a small sensor attached to the bat’s handle and a mobile application that communicates with it via Bluetooth. The sensor measures bat speed, impact angle, ball contact time, and ball spin. The app displays this information in the form of graphs, charts, and videos, as well as tips on how to improve a player’s technique. The system also lets you share your results with other players and coaches.


The system that was created for baseball. This system has a sensor that attaches to the bat handle and a mobile app that communicates with the sensor via Bluetooth. The sensor measures such characteristics as bat speed, impact angle, bat plane, reaction time, etc.


The app provides this information in graphical form, such as graphs, charts, and 3D models, and also suggests ways to improve a player’s stroke. It also allows you to compare your results with those of pro players and track your progress.

Professional systems

The technologies listed below allow you to track and analyze the movements, position, speed, and other parameters of athletes, equipment, balls, and so on during training or competitions. These professional advanced systems can use much more comprehensive tracking methods such as GPS, radar, optical sensors, inertial measurement units, and RFID.

Catapult Sports

A system for athlete tracking, video analysis, and management that is used in team sports such as football, basketball, rugby, hockey, and cricket. This system is made up of wearable sensors that measure various parameters such as speed, acceleration, distance, heart rate, load, and so on, as well as software that allows you to visualize, analyze, and share the data.

See Also


A tracking and video refereeing system for tennis, cricket, badminton, volleyball, and other sports. This system comprises several high-speed cameras that track the ball’s trajectory and a computer that calculates its location and speed.


This system can assist referees with decision-making while also displaying replays and statistics to viewers.


Modern sports are much more accurate and safe than before, thanks to technological advancements and the introduction of various tracking systems. Especially when it comes to professional complexes used in tournaments, because at this level of play, every hundredth of a second counts, and even the most attentive person in the world is unable to register such small values, relying solely on their perception and reaction. Fortunately, when it comes to online sports betting, a person remains unrivaled: no one can predict the outcome of a match between people better than the person himself.

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