Declutter your Home with these Easy Tips

declutter home

Decluttering your home doesnโ€™t need to be as challenging as others perceive it to be. There are a few things that you can learn to declutter your home (and your life) the easy way. 

I understand that some of us feel intimidated by the clutter in our home, which usually results in a high level of stress and anxiety. The truth isโ€ฆ the clutter in your home can negatively affect your living conditions and can also lead to mental illness such as depression.

If the clutter seems too much to handle, it is vital to seek professional help as soon as possible. The experts at MaidForYou can re-organise your place and make it liveable for your family once again.   

There is more to life than living in a cluttered space. All it takes is the courage and initiative to start decluttering. 

Meanwhile, here are a few tips that can help you declutter your home effectively:

Learn to let goโ€ฆ

The first home decluttering principle that you should learn is to get rid of stuff that you do not need! I fully understand how hard it can be to let go of the things that you have acquired through your hard-earned money. However, there is a need as it could be taking up a big space in your home, which brings discomfort to the entire family. Give it away to your favourite charity or friends who can put it to good use. 

Get the decluttering plan ready beforehand.  

Take time to plan on how you can declutter your home. Everything is easier with the decluttering checklist as it helps get rid of the clutter systematically and gives you an idea as to how you can get started. List down the junk or clutter that needs quick attention and ways to get rid of it. Take before and after photos of the area that you are working on. Once you see the result, decluttering will be a lot easier. 

Follow the Four-Box Method

The Four-Box method is sorted into four boxes with the following labels: Trash, Give Away, Keep and Relocate. Every homeowner should learn to follow this method to maximise the space in the house and get rid of things that are not needed. Inspect every room in your home and sort out the things that belong to each box. It may take a while, but it allows you to see how much stuff you have got and figure out ways to dispose of it.

Start smallโ€ฆ

There is no way to get rid of the clutter in one go! It takes a lot of time, effort and patience. If this is your first time to do some decluttering, start small by allocating 5 minutes a day to declutter and trying the 12-12-12 challenge. You will slowly see the improvement each time which allows you to continue what you have started. The 12-12-12 challenge is a decluttering method where you need to find 12 things to get rid of, 12 things to donate and 12 things to be put in their designated places. Getting rid of one item or filling in one trash bag a day is also a good habit to help reduce the clutter in your home. 

Learn the KonMari Methodโ„ข

The KonMari Methodโ„ข teaches us the basic rule of decluttering our home (or life), which is letting go of things that have no value in life. It takes the right attitude to be able to follow such perception. However, you will get there as long as you are committed to it. 

Final Thoughts 

Clutter is anything in the house that does not add value to your life. It is essential to understand and realise that clutter has a dramatic effect in your living condition and can lead to depression, obesity and other types of conditions. 

Hoarding is a term that is used to describe a house that is full of clutter. It is a risky situation as it can cause fire hazards and contaminate the air with mold and other infectant properties which could take a toll on your health.

There are many benefits to decluttering your home such as freeing up spaces, ease of access and improved living condition. Decluttering can also relieve stress, reduce anxiety and gives you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. 

See Also


Less stuff, less stressโ€ฆ and less cleaning!

Cleaning can be stressful, especially if you are faced with a massive stash of clutter and rubbish. It takes up most of your time, preventing you from working, earning and doing the fun things in life.

Decluttering your home means decluttering your life, as well. You need a healthy home to live a healthy and happy life. 

Live less, be happy and take care!

Happy decluttering!

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