Why An Elliptical Machine Is Better Than A Treadmill?

Why An Elliptical Machine is Better Than a Treadmill

Going to a gym will help you understand the various types of cardio machines, which are used by many health enthusiasts at the club or their home gym. Two of the most commonly used amongst them are the elliptical trainer and a treadmill. These machines are designed to help you enjoy an effective cardio workout, as well as, improve your aerobic capacity and burn calories. However, if you compare the two, you will come across several differences. Each come with their unique set of benefits and drawbacks. You will hear many people say that an elliptical trainer is more efficient at burning calories than a treadmill. At the same time, some will say that a treadmill is more efficient. It is up to you to find out the truth.

Advantages of Using a Treadmill

Some of the key advantages of using a treadmill (Drench – Treadmills Under 1000) are listed hereunder for your knowledge.

  1. It Is Highly Versatile: A treadmill is a highly versatile workout machine. You can walk and run on it. You can also walk uphill and downhill on a treadmill. In other words, it provides you with a wide array of options when it comes to speed, training programs, and inclination.
  2. Helps You Walk In Your Natural Movement: You will come across various cardio workouts that are rather confusing and makes you exercise in awkward positions, which you will never do in your normal lifestyle. However, the treadmill is different from the rest. It emulates natural movements such as jogging, walking, and running.
  3. High Level of Work Output: Propelling the weight of your body about takes a lot of effort. This helps you to burn more calories and lose excess body weight.

Disadvantages of a Treadmill

Using a treadmill also has some disadvantages, which are discussed below.

  • Tough on Your Body Joints: Walking or running for long hours on a treadmill can be stressful for your joints such as knees, ankles, hips, and spine. This can get serious if you do not warm up before using the treadmill.
  • Not Very Safe: If you are not yet skilled enough, sprinting at an inclined position can be dangerous for you on a treadmill.

Advantages of an Elliptical Trainer

There are some advantages of using an elliptical trainer (Drench – Elliptical Under 1000), which have been mentioned below.

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  • Not Much of An Impact on Your Joints: An elliptical trainer emulates a running motion that does not cause much of an impact on your joints as compared to a treadmill.
  • Full Body Workout: Exercising on an elliptical machine helps you to enjoy a full body workout. The movable handles allow your hands to move to and fro and also gives a proper workout to your upper torso.

Disadvantages of an Elliptical Machine

Some of the disadvantages of using an elliptical trainer are mentioned below.

  • Less Dynamic: When it comes to a treadmill, altering the inclination and speed can change your workout by leaps and bounds. However, when it comes to an elliptical trainer, such features are either lacking or are not as efficient as a treadmill.
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