Explore the Role of Bacteria and the Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Bacteria are known to be one of the most primitive forms of life on earth. They help sustain the entire planetary system. We find bacteria around us. They are essential for crucial metabolic processes like nutrient absorption, shielding against harmful microbes, and food digestion. You may realize that certain microscopic organisms often survive even under the most challenging circumstances. While a majority of bacteria are helpful and harmless, a few bacterial species called pathogens are not human-friendly. They can be harmful to you and may cause infections and diseases. Pathogens are dangerous species, and you need to know more about them.

Bacterial infections were the most feared infection in the past. Today, you can rely on antibiotics to treat these infections effectively. As per the statistics or estimates provided by the WHO or the World Health Organization, vaccinations are instrumental in preventing two to three million deaths per year. According to the Lancet, vaccines are super-effective tools used to fight against antimicrobial resistanceย since they are best for reducing infections triggered by antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well as, the consumption of antibiotics related to a disease.

Diseases That Are Caused By Bacteria


Pneumonia is a bacterial infection. Streptococcus pneumonia residing in the respiratory tract is responsible for it. These bacteria are extremely harmful, and primarily attack your lungs, causing breathing difficulties. The active disease starts when the bacteria is inhaled, resulting in the rapid reproduction of these bacteria in your lungs. Some common symptoms of pneumonia are chest pain, fever, night chills, and cough with phlegm. Doctors may prescribe relevant antibiotics for treating the condition. Experts recommend a pneumococcal vaccine to prevent the infection.


Tetanus can be a fatal bacterial disease that is instrumental in paralyzing your muscles and the entire nervous system. Tetanus occurs due to Clostridium tetani releasing toxins and disrupting the nerves that help in mobility or movement.


Some typical transmission modes are animal bites, contaminated fecal matter, or contaminated saliva. Visit the website MyBioSource.com to know moreย about viruses and bacteria.


Tuberculosis is an extremely infectious disease affecting your lungs. T.B. is caused by bacteria calledย Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is actually an airborne disease. Transmission of the disease is possible when infected individual sneezes or coughs and circulates the drops in the air around him. Some common symptoms of T.B. are night sweats, fever, and unexplained weight loss. Doctors will recommend a line of treatment depending on the severity of the infection. Usually, doctors recommend antibiotics like rifampin and isoniazid for treating tuberculosis.

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Meningitis is a much-dreaded bacterial disease that causes meninges infection around the spinal cord and brain. The disease-causing bacteria spread through droplets that are dispersed while coughing or sneezing. Some common warning signs of meningitis are a stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting.



Dysentery is an intestinal infection triggered by the bacteria called the genus Shigella. The typical transmission modes are contaminated water and food. Moreover, people who do not follow proper toilet hygiene may be responsible for transmitting the disease. Dysentery symptoms are bloody diarrhea, pain, and fever. Plenty of fluids or hydration may be recommended by doctors along with associated antibiotics for treating effectively an infected individual.


Bacterial infections are usually temporary clinical conditions. However, they can be fatal at times. It is best to seek consultation with a qualified doctor or contact a healthcare provider for managing efficiently all bacterial diseases.

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