Giggles and Laughter is Our #FormulaForHappiness + Gerber® Good Start®

zakary nov15

I am so excited about my partnership with #formulaforhappiness and Gerber® Good Start® ! It is always a privilege to be able to promote a brand that you know that makes a wonderful product!  What is even more, exciting is that Gerber® Good Start® Infant Formulas is now Non-GMO infant nutrition.

gerber good start formula


Gerber® Good Start® Infant Formulas are now all Non-GMO: Not made with genetically engineered ingredients.

zakary and abbey

One of the best things in my life is the giggles and laughter of my grandchildren.  My grandson is just about 9 months old now (well in January), and he is starting to be full of smiles.

Obviously, a happy baby makes for happy parents.  Talking to your baby with happy tones can be helpful.  A baby likes to hear upbeat voices without being too loud or in their face, so-to-speak.

Playing peek-a-boo is a favorite of Zakary’s, he is even starting to mimic when anyone plays peek-a-boo with him. He can be a very happy baby, and his laughing/giggles are very contagious!

He loves his Poppa Willis, but when his Auntie came home for her Winter break, he gave her lots of smiles too.  He also is very animate for being just shy of 9 months old.

See Also

Gerber® Good Start® Infant Formulas are now all Non-GMO: Not made with genetically engineered ingredients. There is no reason to believe that Non-GMO products are healthier than other products, but that Gerber® Good Start® Infant Formulas has made this change in order to meet the evolving preferences of formula using parents.


What are your thoughts on Gerber® Good Start® Infant Formulas now that they are all Non-GMO? Now that I have shared mine, what is your #formulaforhappiness?

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