The Girl Who Came Back to Life Book Analysis

The Girl Who Came Back to Life

The Girl Who Came Back to Life

The Girl Who Came Back to Life Book Analysis

When I first started reading this book, from the start I felt bad for 12 year old Sophie. ย It is hard enough to be a pre-teen and have to start to go through that part of your life; let alone to have a Grandmother that is stiff and distant. ย Sophie is expected to fend for herself in most ways, in a life she hasn’t even had much to partake in up until this point.

Having lost her parents, she is forced to live with her Grandmother, who wasn’t on good terms with Sophie’s parents before they died. ย When Sophie’s Grandmother decides to set out on a trip, Sophie is determined to go along with her. ย Sophie has to raise her own money for the trip, which at first poses an issue since Sophie doesn’t have a job.

Morning after morning, she follows her Grandmother to the bakery. ย This is where Sophie watches quietly to take in all there is to do in working in the bakery. ย Finally she gets up enough nerve to ask if she can work there; and the owner makes her a deal. ย Sophie struggles making bread, it seems no matter what she does it won’t come outright. ย Then she finds the secret is being more-warm on the inside instead of so cold.

During this story you see how the Grandmother feeds Sophie’s Grandfather who is laid to rest under the tree in the backyard before Sophie is offered anything. ย It is obvious her Grandmother is unhappy and doesn’t know how to relate to Sophie.

Thanks to the owner of the bakery, Sophie is able to have enough money to go on the trip with her Grandmother. So their journey begins on the train. ย From this point on you become a part of their journey. ย There are times they both seem to be granddaughter and grandmother. ย While other times it made me wonder how Sophie could even stand to be with her Grandmother.

If you are one to enjoy a fairytale story, then you will most definitely enjoy this book. ย There were times I caught myself smiling; while other times I felt choked up.

About Craig Staufenberg:CraigStaufenberg_AuthorImage

Craig Staufenberg is a writer and filmmaker living in NYC.

See Also
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