How Do You Find A Packaging Supplier?

According to Michael Dillon, in an article he wrote on the packaging, a survey carried out revealed that 72% of American consumers say that product packaging design influences their purchase decisions. It is said that three out of every ten businesses reported that they noticed a significant increase in their revenue following their packaging improvement.

It has been proven that the packaging of a product not only reinforces your brand’s identity but it also drives more sales. It is therefore important that business owners invest in getting back quality packages for their products.

Products ranging from food wear, household appliances, and even drinks are in need of packaging. Do you sell drinks of various kinds online or offline? You need to package them well so that they can look attractive and impress customers. You can get the best drink packaging ideas from us.

Ideas for Packaging Drinks

To package drinks the right way, there are various factors to be considered. They include:

  • What is the type of drink you want to package?
  • How much are you willing to spend on getting the packages or the material for packaging?
  • What kind of identity do you want the packages to bring to your brand?

After considering these factors, you can then weigh the various drinks packaging options available. Some types of packaging for drinks are:

  • Cans packaging: this is the most used and versatile type of packaging for drinks and beverages. Cans are light and sustainable. They are also not very expensive to purchase.
  • Glass bottle packaging: packaging drinks in glass bottles is a sophisticated type of packaging. It is perceived to be a superior packaging idea by consumers. Using glass bottles for packaging is environmentally friendly and sustainable as they can be easily recycled.
  • Stainless steel and PET kegs packaging: packaging drinks in kegs is a very common type of packaging. It is mostly used by restaurant owners and those in the food business. PET kegs packaging is a good solution as it can be disposed of easily after usage.
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How do You Find a Packaging Supplier?

As a small or medium-sized business owner, it is important you find packaging suppliers whose packaging products are not overpriced. When searching for the best packaging supplier for your business, you should, first of all, consider the cost of packaging. What is your budget for the packaging of your products? You can then go ahead to search for suppliers that sell within that range.

In addition, you should lookout for a packaging supplier with a reasonable delivery time. You do not need a supplier that will slow down sales of your products due to unnecessary delays in the delivery of your packages.

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You should also look out for suppliers that focus on effective communication in their packages. They should prioritize design experience.

Asides from shipping the packages you ordered, the right packaging supplier will show concern for your business. We are a reliable packaging supplier. Asides from our packaging products, we can give you the best drink packaging ideas for your business. Contact us today!

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