How Quit-Smoking Products Boost Your Chance of Success

?If you’ve decided to quit smoking, it may not come as a surprise that there are numerous ways to boost your chances of success. Making a quit date, joining a support group, and cutting nicotine intake are all well-known tactics for those who want to leave cigarettes behind.

However, some may not be so familiar with the use of quit-smoking aids. These products aren’t new, but they have recently increased in popularity thanks to social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and especially YouTube. These quit-smoking aids come in many different forms but generally involve replacing something you smoke with something less harmful but similarly satisfying.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

One of the most popular and well-known quit-smoking aids, NRT, can be bought in two primary forms: patches and gum. Both are designed to deliver nicotine to the bloodstream in a controlled manner that mimics the experience of smoking.

While the delivery method may be slower than if you were to smoke a cigarette, the advantage is that your body only has to deal with a fraction of the toxins that would be present in tobacco smoke. The benefits of NRT include:

  • Reducing the urge to smoke.
  • Reducing withdrawal symptoms.
  • Reducing the risks associated with smoking.

The key to making NRT work for you is to follow the instructions on the pack carefully. You should start with a low dose and increase it gradually until you find the right level to keep you from feeling the urge to smoke. If you choose to use a nicotine patch, it’s essential to remember that it should be worn on the skin and not underneath clothing. Other options for Nicotine replacement products include nicotine lozenge and inhalers.

Electronic Cigarettes

These devices, either reusable or disposable, work by heating a liquid called e-liquid that contains nicotine and a flavor of your choosing. If you’re a heavy smoker, you may want to choose a higher concentration of nicotine, whereas light smokers can get away with lower concentrations. You can also buy nicotine-free e-liquids, which means you’re not getting any of the bad stuff but are still getting your hit. The benefits of e-cigarettes include:

  • They provide a satisfying sensation.
  • May help reduce cravings.
  • Can be used alongside other quitting techniques like nicotine lozenge.

Like with NRT, it’s important to slowly work your way up to avoid side effects like nausea and vomiting. While e-cigarettes won’t help you break the physical habit of smoking, they do a great job of getting rid of the ritual of lighting a cigarette and taking puffs. This means they can be used as an effective bridge between smoking and not smoking.

Hookah and Shisha

Hookah, also known as shisha, is a type of smoking meant to be enjoyed in the company of others. This social smoking experience is popular among younger generations who are less concerned about the health issues associated with smoking.

However, studies have shown that shisha is way more harmful than regular cigarettes because it is smoked through a large pipe. The liquid used in shisha combines flavorings, tobacco, molasses, glycerine, and many other additives. This liquid is put into a bowl connected to a long pipe. Each person takes a turn sucking on the pipe to inhale the smoke. The smoke is then expelled through a tube, and everyone can enjoy the smell.

The benefits of shisha include:

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  • It provides you with a satisfying hit.
  • May help reduce cravings.
  • May help reduce the risks associated with smoking.
  • Can be used alongside other quitting techniques.

As with e-cigarettes, you will want to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it as needed. While shisha contains nicotine and can help you quit smoking, it is also awful for your health.

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Smart Shakes and Smokes

A relatively new addition to quit-smoking aids, these products are similar to meal-replacement shakes and bars but contain nicotine instead of protein. The idea is that you consume one of these shakes instead of a cigarette, but they can also be used in conjunction with other quitting methods.

The main ingredients in these products are protein and fiber, which help you feel full and prevent you from snacking during the day. The benefits of intelligent shakes and smokes include: They provide you with a satisfying hit, May help reduce cravings, May help reduce the risks associated with smoking, and Can be used alongside other quitting techniques.


As you can see, there are many ways to boost your chances of success when quitting smoking. You can start by setting a date and informing your loved ones that you’ll be quitting. You can also join support groups, eat healthily and exercise frequently, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and minimize stress levels. It may seem like a lot of work, but quitting smoking is worth it. It will improve your health, it will improve the health of those around you, and it will extend your life expectancy!

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