How to Keep House Clean with Dogs: 5 Secrets Dog Moms Don’t Want You to Know

Are you among the 68% of Americans who have at least one dog in their home?

There’s no denying that dogs can bring so much love and joy into the family. However, dogs tend to be messy animals, which is bad news for people who want a tidy home.

Would you like to learn how to keep a clean house with dogs so everyone can feel cozy and safe? Keep reading to learn five tips on how to keep the house clean with dogs.

1. Invest in a Powerful Vacuum or Mop

Anyone who’s serious about keeping the house clean with multiple dogs has to invest in a high-quality vacuum or mop. If you have carpet in your home, then you’ll need a device that can pull hair out of every fiber.

Microfiber mops work great for areas of the home that have tile or hardwood. If you have a breed that sheds a ton, you should also get an automatic vacuum to run, so your deeper cleans don’t have to be as frequent.

2. Only Buy Materials That You Can Wash

Another must-know trick for figuring out how to keep your house clean with dogs is to only buy materials that are washable or durable.

If you like to snuggle on the couch with your pup, then make sure you have plenty of blankets to cuddle up with that you can throw in the washer later.

3. Install a Dog Door and Set Out a Mat

Installing a Dog Door is a simple way to give your pet more freedom and cut down on accidents in the house. To prevent muddy pawprints all over the house, don’t forget to set out a thick mat by their dog door to catch most of the dirt.

The same goes for cat doors. When your cat has the freedom to explore the outdoors and balance their energy levels, you’ll find they are much more calm and relaxed when inside the house. So you can say goodbye to liter boxes and shredded upholstery!

Once the mat looks worn out, you can refresh it in the washer as well.

4. Keep the Environment Under Control

Homeowners who keep up with landscaping don’t have to worry much about their dog needing a bath every time they go outside.

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If your dog is a messy eater, then you can place a silicone mat under their food and water bowls to contain any spills.

5. Wash Your Dog on a Regular Basis

When you keep up with dog cleaning, housework can be minimized since they won’t be able to track grime all over.

As long as it’s safe to wash your specific type of dog on a regular basis, everyone will benefit from a clean and pleasantly scented furry friend. To avoid any drama from a dog who hates baths, try to give only their paws a gentle scrub as needed.

Now You Know How to Keep House Clean With Dogs

Figuring out how to keep the house clean with dogs can seem impossible, but these tips will ensure that your living environment stays tidy.

Was this guide on how to keep a clean house with pets useful? You should check out our other posts so you can catch up on more home and lifestyle advice.

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