How to Reduce Your Electric Bill Using Solar Power

People use electricity daily for TVs, cell phones, heating, and appliances. All of this can add up to an expensive electric bill. Thankfully, solar panels can help lower electric bills without reducing energy use.

How Solar Panels Work

Solar is the most abundant source of energy on earth. Capturing the sunโ€™s energy with a home solar system creates clean energy and can help reduce the dependence on fossil fuels.

Currently, solar power only accounts for five-tenths of one percent of energy Americans use each year. However, solar technology is improving, and the cost is dropping, so the ability to harness the sunโ€™s energy is increasing.

Solar companies, such as RoofTec, install cells on the roof of a house. When the sunโ€™s photons hit the solar cell, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. If conductors are attached to negative and positive sides of a cell, it forms an electrical circuit, generating electricity.

Many cells make up a solar panel, and many panels make a solar array. The greater the panels, the more energy the system can generate. A solar inverter then takes the DC electricityย from the solar array and changes it into AC electricity.

Cost of Traditional Electricity vs. Solar Energy

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Chances are, Americans are paying more for grid energy than solar energy. The cost of electricity is measured in cents per kilowatt-hour. The national average price last year was $0.166 per kWh. Solar, on the other hand, is usually priced at around $.07 per kWh. This cost is lower than even the cheapest city in America.

Benefits of Solar Panels

The obvious benefit of solar panels is that they will reduce the amount of money spent on electricity. Most solar equipment is also warrantied for 25 years and typically lasts longer than that. Solar panels can also increase the value of a home.

Grid electricity rates increase over time, but once solar panels are purchased, the ability to use them for power remains constant. The price of grid energyย has risen an average of 2.79% per year. Using solar energy fixes the electricity costs for the solar system’s lifetime.

By HomeLight Homes

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While grid electricity rates are unpredictable, solar energy costs are very predictable. Most homeowners can cover all of their energy needs with a solar system. They will only need to pay between $10 and $20 for the utility maintenance fees and metering. Homeowners who purchase their solar system with cash will have no recurring cost. Those who finance will have a set monthly payment. This stability can be beneficial for many homeowners budgeting their expenses.

Little to No Maintenance is Required

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Solar panels require little repair or maintenance. The purchase is a one-time fee that provides years of power. There are many solar panel companies that provide warranties or service contracts with homeowners that ensure they fix any issues that come up at no cost to the homeowner.

Tax Credits

Depending on the state in which residents live, they may be able to receive state tax credits for purchasing environmentally friendly solar panels. The federal government reimburses up to 30% of the solar panel cost. Solar panels systems are much more affordable than some homeowners originally think.

Solar panels can be a great way to reduce monthly electricity bills. They are also environmentally friendly, which makes them a fantastic choice for energy production.

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