Iron Man 3 Bonus Clips and Cast Interviews!

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Iron Man 3 Bonus Clips & Cast Interviews!

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If you haven’t seen Iron Man 3 yet, you can now get it on [simpleazon-link asin=”B00CL0J99K” locale=”us”]Iron Man 3 (Two-Disc Blu-ray / DVD + Digital Copy)[/simpleazon-link]

Bonus clips are now available! From free falls to fits of laughter, go behind the scenes with Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Sir Ben Kingsley, director Louis D’Esposito and more!

Bonus Clip: Air Force One Jump

Description: Thought the Air Force One Rescue scene was shot on a green screen? Think again! The scene involved 8 days of filming with custom costumes with hidden parachutes, 62 airplane loads, 600 jumps jumps! Watch Director Louis D’Esposito and stunt coordinator Jeff Habberstad discuss the process.

Bonus Clip: Calling the Suit

Description: Robert Downey Jr. and the stunt team discuss the process of  Tony calling the Iron Man suit and the CGI involved.

Bonus Clip: Gary’s Van Deleted Scene

Description:  Watch Robert Downey Jr. and Adam Pally (TV’s “Happy Endings”) in a fun deleted scene where Gary shows off his Tony Stark tattoo in his van.

Bonus Clip: Let’s Make Television Deleted Scene

Description: The Mandarin calls for the set to be prepped.

Bonus Clip: Gag Reel #3

Description: Robert Downey Jr. can’t keep a straight face in this gag reel!

Bonus Clip: Trevor’s Accent

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Description: Sir Ben Kingsley amuses Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle with accents from around the world.

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